Is a Warzone 2 beta on the way? This glitch suggests one may be sooner than we thought.
I’ve been playing a ton of the Modern Warfare II beta now that it’s available on PC. I’ve noticed some definite improvements over last weekend’s beta especially in terms of visibility, but I’ll save my impressions for another post.
For now, I want to talk about one of the stranger glitches we encountered yesterday—one out of many, many bugs and glitches and game crashes that plagued our play session. My game crashed multiple times on PC, but two of our squad-mates on Xbox Series X also faced crashes, party kicks and other weirdness.
More on all this and the infuriating menus / UI later. For now, the weirdest bug of them all.
My brother took this screenshot when we backed out of a match because my game had crashed. We were playing Prisoner Rescue (which is a great mode) but for some reason when we left the match, this is what popped up:
Battle Royale Trios in the Modern Warfare 2 beta?
BR Trios? Up next? Obviously this isn’t part of the current Modern Warfare II beta, but it’s baked into the code. You can see it says the squad size is 3, max players in the match 102 and “large maps” all under the NEXT BR TRIOS header. Below that it says Loot and kill. Last team standing wins.
This is obviously a screen intended for Warzone 2.0 but the big question is whether this is an indicator that Warzone 2.0 is getting either its own beta or that it will be part of the Modern Warfare II beta this weekend. I’ve reached out to Activision to find out more, and will report back if and when I hear anything.
For now . . . it at least looks possible that we’re getting some kind of Warzone 2.0 beta. Then again, it could just be a piece of the full game slipped into the beta somehow and pops up randomly as one of many glitches.
What do you think of the beta so far? I’ll have my impressions out soon. Other than the terrible menus I’m having a pretty damn good time. Let me know your thoughts on Twitter or Facebook.