A British Resident Says He Needs Robotic Dogs To Search For His Lost 8,000 BTCs

James Howells, a British resident, said he needs several robot dogs from Boston Dynamics in his search for a landfill fin Wales. Howells is actually searching for a missing Bitcoin hard drive that contains approx. 8,000 bitcoins.  These Bitcoins are worth $191 million as per today’s prices. 

Hyundai Motor Group(80%) and Softbank(20%) owned Boston Dynamics has a product called Spot. Spot is an agile mobile robot that is used for navigating unprecedented mobility. Quite a famous product, Spot is used for performing automation on routine inspection tasks. In addition, it also collects data “safely, accurately, and frequently.”

A Gizmodo report revealed that Howells had been searching a landfill in Newport, Wales for more than a decade. Howells is an early adopter of Bitcoin. He shared that he accidently threw away the hard drive in 2013. Since then only the UK man is trying to find the missing hard drive on the dump site. 

In a statement Howells said he has devised a new plan for finding the missing hard drive. Howells have come up with a new $11 million business plan. According to him the plan will convince investors and Newport City Council to let him dig 10,000 tons of trash during the three year period.

Then the garbage will be sorted through a nearby facility. It will be done using a mix of an AI system and a combination of human effort in order to find the hard drive. He wants to use the dogs from Boston Dynamics to scan the ground for the hard drive along with the security. 

According to the Gizmodo report the city council did not want to help when Howells first came to them. As per the reports, Howells has tried to contact the Welsh city government since 2014. He argues that the case could be impared. However, the internal disk must be still feasible. 

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/07/30/a-british-resident-says-he-needs-robotic-dogs-to-search-for-his-lost-8000-btcs/