A Beginner’s Guide to its Features and Working

Manta Platform has two networks that work together to provide an unparalleled user experience for the next generation of dApps, using ZK cryptography.

Manta Pacific is a platform that allows for the creation of scalable and secure EVM-equivalent Zero Knowledge (ZK) applications, through the use of Celestia’s data availability (DA) layer and Polygon Zero Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (zkEVM). 

By utilizing Celestia’s modular DA layer, Manta Pacific offers a high-speed infrastructure at a fraction of the cost of Layer 2 (L2) rollups. With the addition of Manta’s Universal Circuits, developers are provided with a perfect environment for building and launching decentralized applications (dApps). 

The Two Networks of Manta

Manta Pacific is a unique L2 ecosystem on Ethereum that is tailored for EVM-native ZK applications. It provides a scalable and cost-effective gas-fee environment for deploying ZK applications simply by using Solidity. 

Manta Atlantic, on the other hand, is the fastest ZK L1 chain on Polkadot, bringing programmable identities and credentials to web3 through zkSBTs. Currently, there is no home available for EVM-native ZK applications, which is why Manta believes that ZK applications are the next generation of dApps. 

This is because they prioritize user safety while maintaining a normal user experience. Existing general VM, EVM, and zkEVM blockchains fail to provide tooling that makes building and deploying ZK apps easy, have high gas costs, and slow performance. Additionally, developers generally need to pick up a new programming language that limits apps to certain ecosystems. 

Features of Manta Pacific

Manta Pacific offers a programmable ZK as an EVM-native L2. Universal circuits enable easy ZK application development using only Solidity. By leveraging Celestia for DA and zkEVM for scalability, Manta Pacific provides high scalability and low transaction fees for ZK applications. 

The benefits of this model include a modular structure for lower gas fees and high scalability, developer-friendly and app-agnostic features, new ZK use cases and real users, and a growing ecosystem. 

The Manta Ecosystem grants program is designed to explore and grow valuable new use cases. Manta Pacific, using Celestia DA and Polygon zkEVM, is the first EVM-equivalent ZK-application platform that achieves scalability and security. The ecosystem is thriving, with many projects launching on top of Manta’s infrastructure to leverage its ZK technology.

Features of Manta Atlantic

Manta Atlantic on the other hand,  provides a highly decentralized and speedy ZK Layer1 that supports modular on-chain compliance identities. Its range of core products and technologies, such as staking, zkNFTs, and ecosystem projects, make it easy for users to access powerful ZK-enabled use cases.

Manta Atlantic’s primary focus is on the ZK compliance credential layer, ensuring real adoption and interoperability while sparing other projects from dealing with any cryptography work. This focus helps make other projects have interoperable identities without having to worry about the technical details.


Manta Platform has two networks – Manta Pacific and Manta Atlantic. They offer a seamless user experience for next-gen dApps using ZK cryptography. Manta Pacific is a cost-effective gas-fee environment for deploying ZK apps, while Manta Atlantic provides a decentralized ZK Layer1 with modular on-chain compliance identities and other powerful ZK-enabled use cases.


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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2024/01/28/manta-network-a-beginners-guide-to-its-features-and-working/