A Beginner’s Guide to Forever Box (FBOX): Why Did It Stop Trading?

Forever Box

  • Forever Box offers free, unlimited, and decentralized data storage.
  • It aims to create a global peer-to-peer secure cross-chain distributed storage network that is available 24/7.

Forever Box offers free, unlimited, decentralized data storage, allowing users to store files securely in a decentralized, immutable, and unrestricted manner. Forever Box provides data encryption, meaning that data is always encrypted when transferred via the network and stored on local storage systems. 

FBOX Token 

FBOX was a utility token that provided access to storage services on Forever Box Mac Supply. The total number of tokens was 10 million. 

11.76% of the tokens go to liquidity, 20% to the ecosystem fund, 10% to second central exchanges, 10% to marketing and endorsement allocation, and 5% to the first central exchange. 0.6% of the tokens are unlocked, and 12.64% will be burnt. 

The tools used to build the decentralized web strengthen distributed storage, and various Forever Box nodes make up the decentralized and distributed blockchain-based storage network. 

The platform also has data replication, which allows data owners to configure the replica quantity of A Shard quantity. Forever Box uses data sharding to store data more securely and robustly. 

The Forever Box Architecture

The Forever Box architecture includes storage and validation API, the app, the Xbox token, F box DFS, the pluggable storage layer, the P2P layer, credit-based POS, and the F box token incentive layer. 

The vision of Forever Box is to create a 24/7 worldwide peer-to-peer secure cross-chain distributed storage network that completely overhauls how individuals trade, save, and validate essential data. 

Fbox aimed to solve the problem of data breaches that are prone to centralized storage solutions. Data stored on the network was encrypted, broken into fragments, and distributed to nodes around the world, ensuring that data cannot be accessed without authorization. 

F-box could store and validate documents, contracts, and reports using a file digital fingerprint or file hash, ensuring that all documents are securely stored, traceable, not altered or tampered with, and verifiably immutable using Fbox. Forever Box has been audited by ‘Interfy Network.’ 

Why Did the FBOX Token Delist?

According to CoinGecko, the FBOX token was delisted from major exchanges after February 12th. The exact reason for the delisting has not been disclosed, but several possibilities could have led to it. 

It is possible that the delisting occurred due to low trading volume or because the token did not meet the requirements for continued listing. Technical issues could also be a major factor in the closure. 

However, since the cryptocurrency market is largely unregulated and these tokens are not very popular, the official reason for the delisting could not be determined from the available analysis.


Fbox was a token for storage services on Forever Box Mac Supply. The network consisted of decentralized and distributed blockchain-based storage nodes. The platform had data replication and a total of 10 million tokens. FBOX was delisted from major exchanges after February 12th.


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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2024/02/28/a-beginners-guide-to-forever-box-fbox-why-did-it-stop-trading/