Rochelle Herman in the new documentary “Jared From Subway: Catching a Monster” on ID.
“The story you are about to hear sounds crazy, but I can promise you it is all true.” So begins a voiceover by journalist Rochelle Herman at the start of “Jared From Subway: Catching a Monster,” a new docuseries debuting Monday night on ID and available to stream on discovery+.
The story, of course, began with Jared Fogle, who rose to fame by achieving astonishing weight loss by eating Subway food, eventually becoming a spokesperson for the brand. More than a decade later, Fogle pleaded guilty to child pornography charges and traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor. Herman helped the FBI bring him down.
It has been eight years since Fogle’s conviction, yet still many of the details of his case remained unknown. That will change with the debut Monday night of the new documentary Jared From Subway: Catching a Monster, which bows three back-to-back-to-back episodes at 9 p.m.
Herman met Fogle in her capacity as a journalist, and she is a main source for the program. Two of the 14 people Fogle is known to have abused, Christian Showalter and Hannah Parrett, also take part. Here are six surprising takeaways from the documentary and interviews conducted with Herman, Showalter and Parrett.
1. Fogle Gave Off Red Flags Almost Immediately
In an interview last week, Herman remembered talking with Fogle at a middle school. “He just came right out and expressed his desire for pre-pubescent middle school girls and how hot he thought they were. That was more than a red flag,” she said. She could tell immediately that he wasn’t joking or kidding around. I kept asking myself “‘Did I really hear what he just said?’ And I did, and I knew I had to do something,” she said.
2. Herman Became an Informant for the FBI, and She Had to Do Everything Carefully
For the FBI to be able to use the information she fed them about Fogle, things had to be done in a particular manner. “Initially when I started with the F.B.I, there was a protocol that you had to follow to keep everything legal and presentable in court. There is a system on how you answer the calls, make the calls, end the calls. That was all new to me, but it was very surreal,” Herman said. “It was kind of like James Bond type of stuff, because we would meet in alley ways and we’d meet at all hours, in the middle of the night or in the early hours of the morning. And always in abandoned places.”
3. Herman Had to Convince Fogle She Shared His Interests
The FBI didn’t advise her on how to get information out of Fogle, but her journalistic instincts helped her do it. “They said they were impressed with how little I’d say and how much he’d reveal,” she said. “He felt so comfortable and confident in talking to me and that I was his confidant, that I was somebody that was like minded. And that was so far from the truth because I was, of course, playing a role because I wanted him to continue sharing with me. If he shared more and more information that gets me closer to saving these children that were out there and were being abused.”
4. Monsters Often Continue What They’re Doing Because People Don’t Speak Up
Herman said the police told her people often turn a blind eye to abuse because they don’t want to get involved. She hopes seeing the docuseries drives home what a bad idea that is. “In order to prevent predators such as Jared, there has to be a higher level of public action and understanding,” she said.
5. There Are Likely More Fogle Victims Out There
Herman believes there’s still many victims who haven’t come to light from Fogle’s case. “The reason I did the docuseries is because I have felt compelled all these years to say something, to share, and let those out there who are now—who were once children, but are now adults—stand with me. I will be your voice,” she said. “If you’re afraid, this is a safe place and you can come forward with your story, you don’t have to suffer in silence, and try to push down those darkest days.”
6. Showalter and Parrett Chose to Speak Out to Help Others
The two are the stepdaughters of Russell Taylor, Fogle’s business partner and former executive Director of Fogle’s charity, The Jared Foundation, and they were abused by Taylor as well as Fogle. They had not previously spoken on the record about the abuse, but they said in an interview last week that they felt they had to do it.
“We actually stewed on this for a little while before we really decided that we were going to participate in the docuseries. But I’m really glad that we did, because the longer that we stay silent and the longer that we keep all of these things to ourselves, the more these situations get swept under the rug, the longer they stay in the dark,” Parrett said. “And I feel like by participating in the docuseries and coming out and speaking with people and doing these interviews ultimately it’s about helping other people find their voice.”
“And also to bring so much awareness to what really goes on in the lives of not only—obviously we’re survivors—but the lives of victims. I know we don’t like to be called victims but there are people presently being victimized and they need to be aware that what they’re being told is not normal and know they have people on their side,” added Showalter.