Steel, metals
These steel stocks are hotter than Tesla, Amazon
Here are the 5 companies in the steel business whose stocks are doing better than those of the big-name tech and social media companies:
Allegheny Technologies
The weekly price chart for Allegheny Technologies looks like this:
Allegheny Technologies weekly price chart, 1 18 23.
Commercial Metals (NYSE: CMC) is showing an earnings increase over the last 12 months of 193.90% and a past 5-year gain of 87.70%. With a price-earnings ratio of 5.40, the steel company trades at 1.81 times book value. Shareholder equity greatly exceeds the amount of long-term debt on the books. Commercial Metals
Here’s the weekly price chart for Commercial Metals:
Commercial Metals weekly price chart, 1 18 23.
Gerdau USA (NYSE: GGB) makes steel products for the energy, mining, automotive, agricultural and construction industries, among others. With United States headquarters in Tampa, Florida, the company has a market capitalization of $9.78 billion. Gerdau is trading with a price-earnings ratio of 4 and at just over its book value. The big steel firm pays a dividend of 11.06%.
The Gerdau weekly price chart is here:
Gerdau USA weekly price chart, 1 18 23.
Reliance Steel & Aluminum (NYSE: RS), based in Scottsdale, Arizona, has been in business since 1939 and went public in 1994. The last 12 months of earnings increased by 288% and the gain over the past 5 years is 39.50%. It trades at 1.88 times book with a price-earnings ratio of 7. Shareholder equity is much greater than long-term debt and the current ratio is 3.30. Reliance pays a 1.64% dividend.
The weekly price chart for Reliance Steel & Aluminum looks like this:
Reliance Steel & Aluminum weekly price chart, 1 18 23.
Tenaris SA (NYSE: TS) is Luxembourg based and manufactures materials mainly for the energy industry. The stock is trading with a price-earnings ratio of 10 and at 1.61 times its book value. The earnings over the last 12 months increased by 273% and gains over the past 5 years amounted to 139.80%. Hardly any long-term debt exists and the current ratio sits at 2.70. Tenaris pays a 2.50% dividend.
Here’s the weekly price chart for Tenaris:
Tenaris SA weekly price chart, 1 18 23.
Not investment advice. For educational purposes only.