Veteran’s Day
On Veteran’s Day we pay our respects to all the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces and coincides with foreign holidays such as Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, which celebrate the end of World War I (which formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918). Hence, November 11th.
While supporting veterans can take many shapes—including charitable donations, hiring veterans at your business and supporting sober foreign policy—one way we can all remember those who have served throughout history is through film. Here are thirteen great war movies, some more directly about veterans and others more directly about the wars themselves, to watch this Veteran’s Day or over the weekend.
Not all of these are American films, either, as I believe that war—and its aftermath—are something that crosses national boundaries. Veterans of all wars and from all countries share a bond.
Obviously, lists like this are limited (or they would grow much too long) but please let me know what your favorite war and/or movies about veterans are on Twitter or Facebook.
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Saving Private Ryan
Steven Spielberg’s masterful WWII movie is simply one of the best war movies ever made. While it only touches on veterans, it gives a stark and graphic portrayal of the violence and heroism of the brave men who fought on the beaches of Normandy and into Nazi-occupied Europe. Spielberg also directed Schindler’s List, another harrowing WWII movie focused on the Holocaust.
Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
Hacksaw Ridge
Hacksaw Ridge tells the true story of Pfc. Desmond T. Doss (Andrew Garfield) who won the Congressional Medal Of Honor despite refusing to hold a gun based on his religious beliefs. The pacifist Doss was first mocked and later applauded for his bravery and courage. Mel Gibson—a controversial figure to say the least—is at his very best in the director’s chair here.
Da 5 Bloods (2020)
Da 5 Bloods
The story of five veterans who return to Vietnam years after the war to find buried gold and retrieve the body of a fallen friend. If you enjoy Spike Lee films, you’ll enjoy this one. A tale of friendship and suffering and loss, with some terrific performances.
A Few Good Men (1992)
A Few Good Men
Not a war story, but still one of the best military movies ever made. Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise both knock it out of the park in this legal drama surrounding the killing of a soldier at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Full Metal Jacket
Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket remains one of the best and most iconic Vietnam War films of all time. It follows a group of soldiers from Basic Training—an experience nearly as harrowing as the war itself—into the chaos of Vietnam. As much black comedy as historical fiction.
Apocalypse Now (1979)
Apocalypse Now
Francis Ford Coppola’s Vietnam War masterpiece is as trippy and dark as any on this list, a weird journey into the Heart of Darkness (the Joseph Conrad book it was based on) that’s as much a journey into the mind as it is into the bowels of the war. The cast alone makes this a must-watch war movie: Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen, Dennis Hopper, all at the top of their game.
Patton (1970)
Patton won 7 Academy Awards when it released back in 1970, including Best Picture, Best Director (Franklin J. Schaffner) and George C. Scott won Best Actor for his incredible performance of the famous general. Fun trivia: Lee Marvin, Burt Lancaster, John Wayne, Robert Mitchum and Rod Steiger all turned down the role before Scott was cast. Steiger later said it was his greatest mistake, but it’s hard to picture anyone other than Scott in the role now!
Born On The Fourth Of July (1989)
Born on the Fourth of July
This is one of the more anti-war films in this list, but also one focused the most on the lives of veterans. Tom Cruise stars as Ron Kovic, a veteran who was paralyzed in Vietnam. The story is autobiographical and based on Kovic’s autobiography. Oliver Stone directs. It won Best Director and Tom Cruise received his first Best Actor nomination.
The Deer Hunter (1978)
The Deer Hunter
Robert DeNiro, Christopher Walken, Meryl Streep—The Deer Hunter’s phenomenal cast and brilliant writing and direction have landed it on countless ‘best films ever made’ lists. The story takes place in both Vietnam and Clairton, Pennsylvania and deals with both the war and the aftermath of the war on these characters’ lives.
American Sniper (2014)
American Sniper
The Bradley Cooper-led, Clint Eastwood-directed American Sniper was deeply controversial when it released back in 2014 thanks to the controversial nature of the man whose story it told. Chris Kyle was a decorated Iraq War veteran and ace sniper, but upon returning home and becoming a more public figure, he drew controversy with his writings and statements. Still, the movie itself was very good, and painted a grim picture of both the Iraq War and the troubles veterans with PTSD face when they return home. (I wrote at the time that unlike some critics, I did not view the film as pro-war propaganda at all; quite the opposite).
Forrest Gump (1994)
Forrest Gump
I admit, Forrest Gump doesn’t hold up all that well compared to a lot of these, even though Tom Hanks is brilliant in the titular role. It’s a very 90s’ era movie in many ways, but it’s certainly charming and Gump runs through my home town of Flagstaff, AZ on his cross-country trek, so I have a little extra fondness for the fairy tale. I include it here because of Lieutenant Dan, the wounded war veteran and Gump’s friend, who has one of the more powerful parts in the story outside of Forrest and Jenny. Lieutenant Dan is played by Gary Sinise who started the Gary Sinise Foundation in 2011. The charity is quite wonderful, helping veterans in many different ways, including providing specially adapted smart homes for severely wounded veterans free of charge. You can learn more about the foundation here. Sinise is a class-act, no doubt.
1917 (2019)
One of the best modern war films, 1917 creates the illusion of being filmed in just one continuous shot. It’s a tense, visually stunning portrayal of the first World War, and tells a small, but important, story about two men on a desperate mission to save lives. Absolutely worth your time.
They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)
They Shall Not Grow Old
We’ve heard lots about director Peter Jackson lately thanks to The Rings Of Power drawing lots of comparisons to The Lord Of The Rings trilogy. His more recent picture is the war documentary They Shall Not Grow Old, which uses original footage from the first World War—most of it never before seen—as well as audio interviews with the BBC of British servicemen. The footage has been restored and colorized. It’s a jaw-dropping production that offers one of the most extraordinary glimpses into history you can imagine, drawing us back in time over a century ago.
Glory (1989)
The story of a regiment of black soldiers in the American Civil War, Glory tells a harrowing tale of courage in the face of prejudice in one of the deadliest wars in American history. Denzel Washington won Best Supporting Actor for his role in the film.
Gallipoli (1981)
Peter Weir’s Australian war film Gallipoli is one of Mel Gibson’s first films. Gibson and Mark Lee star as young recruits in World War 1 who end up fighting at the battle of Gallipoli under British command. What follows is haunting and tragic. It’s a brilliant film and coming of age story that shows just how brutal trench warfare was, and how unprepared the world was for industrialized warfare.
Bonus: Band Of Brothers (2001 TV Series)
Band Of Brothers
While not a movie, the WWII show based on Stephen E. Ambrose’s 1992 non-fiction book of the same name, is a historical look at the hardships faced by American paratroopers as they fight their way into Germany, freezing and starving along the way. A stellar ensemble cast who you’ll recognize from countless other shows and movies makes this well worth watching (and the book is excellent as well).