Vitalik Buterin floats 5 designs to decrease Ethereum max block size

The solutions floated by Buterin and the Ethereum Foundation revolve around increasing the cost of calldata and raising block gas limits.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin and the Ethereum Foundation are considering at least five ways to reduce Ethereum’s maximum block size in hopes of optimizing the blockchain for a “rollup-centric roadmap.”

On Feb. 5, Buterin and Ethereum Foundation researcher Toni Wahrstätter said that with the focus on rollups in the medium and long term, it is argued that the way block space is used is not yet optimized, noting that effective block size has essentially doubled over the past 12 months. 

“This might be a result of more and more rollups starting to use Ethereum for DA and trends like Inscriptions,” explained Buterin and Wahrstätter

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