Miners of PoW Prefer to Mine Ergo Instead of Ravencoin or Ethereum Classic After Merge  

  •  Ergo is a widely popular choice pulling in almost half of the votes at 45.5%
  • The date for Ethereum Merge is 19th September 2022. 

Ethereum Merge Will Live Soon

Perhaps the wait for the Ethereum Merge has continued since the day it was announced. After delaying many times, the launch date of the merge seems to come around soon. Evan Van Ness – founder of Week in Eth – has shared data regarding the merge. As per the data, the date for Ethereum Merge is 19th September 2022. 

The Ethereum 2.0 will have improved network productivity and security and decreased carbon impression by diminishing energy utilization by almost 100%, which its ancestor was intensely criticized for.

Ethereum advocates have the motivation to celebrate, yet the ride has not been a simple one. The local area has seen everything from evolving guides, confounding phrasing, and the most recent being resistance to the actual progress. 

An Analyst, Miles Deutscher, pointed out four major variables that may impact the Merge of Ethereum. These are the chance of delay, the ramification of a PoW fork, the censorship resistance of the PoS chain, significantly in the light of the Tornado cash, and the staking yield after merging.     

Ergo Among Highest Preferences of Miners 

In a poll organized by cryptovium, Twitter tilted four options Ravencoin, FLUX, Ergo, and Ethereum Classic. With overall 4895 participants, Ergo is a widely popular choice pulling in almost half of the votes at 45.5%, FLUX is at second in the list with 27.6%, Third is Ravencoin with 19%, and Ethereum is last in the list with 8%. 

Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum’s most prominent co-founder, endorsed the original Ethereum network– Ethereum Classic. This endorsement was offered to the ETH-centric crowd as a reasonable solution to those not thrilled about the Ethereum Foundation’s chain migrating to Proof-of-Stake consensus.

The outcomes were astonishing as the co-founder of Ethereum, Vatalik Buterin, lately endorsed Ethereum Classic as the PoW chain miners should switch to “It’s a very welcoming community and I think they’ll definitely welcome Proof of Work fans…If you like Proof of Work, you should go use Ethereum Classic. It’s a totally fine chain.” 

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/08/24/miners-of-pow-prefer-to-mine-ergo-instead-of-ravencoin-or-ethereum-classic-after-merge/