Invest In (GLO), Ethereum Classic (ETC) And Synthetix (SNX) Or Get Left Behind As Fiat Continues To Lose Value

The majority of advanced nations currently suffer double-digit inflation. With wage growth stagnating, most people have taken an effective pay cut, and their salaries buy them less than before. As a result, retired people have seen the actual value of their savings decimated by 10% or more.

With increased government spending, and a large percentage of the workforce set to retire soon, governments will have to continue printing money and devaluing the native currency. Investors who want to preserve their wealth cannot do so with fiat. This is a cold reality. Owning assets is the only chance investors have to outpace inflation and genuinely preserve their wealth. 

This article features three crypto projects, Uniglo (GLO), Ethereum Classic (ETC), and Synthetix (SNX), that can help investors stay ahead, capture their purchasing power, and allow them to grow their wealth steadily. These projects were selected based on their utility value and, as a result, their likelihood to flourish in the next bull market. 

Uniglo (GLO)- The Value-Backed Store of Value

Uniglo is leveraging the programmability of blockchain technology and basic principles of economics to introduce a new store of wealth. The protocol features buy and sell taxes that allow it to fund two core value creation mechanisms for investors. The first is its aggressive deflationary stance. Employing the principle of scarcity, 2% of every transaction is automatically burnt; this will put heavy downward pressure on the total supply and heavy upwards pressure on the price. The second is value-backing. The protocol acquires assets, both digital and physical, to offer a diversified portfolio in a single token that grows in pace with the macroeconomic sentiment.

Ethereum Classic (ETC)- The PoW Original Record

Ethereum Classic is a hard fork of the Ethereum network launched in 2016. This blockchain preserves the original record of the Ethereum network after the decision was made to roll back the Ethereum blockchain after The DAO exploit. 

Blockchains are, at their core, immutable. However, this did not stop the Ethereum team from artificially changing the history, and Ethereum Classic retains the integrity of the original blockchain. When Ethereum switches to PoS (Proof of Stake) and larger validators begin to centralise power, expect Ethereum Classic to enjoy a significant rally as people migrate back to the more equitable PoW (Proof of Work) consensus mechanism. 

Synthetix (SNX)- TradFi Trading in DeFi

Synthetic is a trader’s dream. Bringing the best aspects of TradFi trading to DeFi, Synthetix allows traders to trade options within DeFi, something many traders outside the United States are very interested in due to the restrictions placed on them by financial regulatory services. 

Synthetix also allows investors to mint synths- synthetic assets- using SNX, tracking the price of goods such as gold. Synthetix has introduced a robust market by allowing investors to speculate on non-blockchain assets and greatly expanded the trading utility of DeFi. With a more risk-on macroeconomic environment, Synthetix stands to grow more than most protocols as traders flood back into DeFi. 

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