Gala Games and Upland Collaborated as Launch Partners for Ethereum Interoperability Portal 

  • Gala and Upland’s historical collaboration is ready to boom the crypto sectors. 

According to reliable media sources, on 12 October, the Gala games collaborated with Uplandme Inc. Gala Games will be Upland’s first Ethereum partner in the platform’s Ethereum interoperability portal, continuing Upland’s mission of building an open economy.  

Upland is one of the largest property-trading and Metaverse development protocols that empowers users to become Metaverse Entrepreneurs. With the historical partnership with VOX, collectible ERC-721 NFTs will be incorporated into the Upland ecosystem and open economy using Upland’s NFT portal.  

The partnership of Gala-Upland is setting the foundations for the partners’ shared vision of an open metaverse that allows for interoperability. Real ownership of the digital age is a fundamental tenet of Web3. Permitting users to transfer their assets across-platform supports real ownership, VOX, and the Upland ecosystem.   

Upland will establish its headquarter in VOXverse in an upcoming metaverse developed in the partnership between Gala Games and the SIMS will Wright.   

Additionally, Upland will feature a Metaverse building and VOX presence with stores and developer shops that lead to experiences and games. 

The upland community greeted the VOX community with several enjoyments games like Car racing, treasure hunts, and competitive city opening, as well as collaborative activities like joint construction of sports stadiums with historical partner Upland such as FC Porto or the NFLPA and by creating nodes and neighbourhoods where like-minded people are working towards a similar goal. 

While the VOXVerse is being shortlisted, users can enjoy VOX Odyssey, a text-based choose-your-own-adventure game which will be available in Upland discord, and the user will be able to play this on the same discord.           

VOX Odyssey permits users to take their VOX on exploration and adventure while collecting resources. Part of the Vox-Upland collaboration will include Upland-specific storylines that will be revealed at the launch.

The Chief Strategy Officer at Gala, James Olden, talked about Gala collaboration with Upland “Upland’s success in the blockchain gaming/metaverse space hasn’t gone unnoticed, and it’s exciting to bridge our worlds and communities together – chasing our shared goal of true interoperability and moving the space forward in a meaningful way. We welcome them with open arms into the VOXverse and are eager for VOX to begin exploring Upland in various ways. Beyond excited to see where this goes.”   

The Co-founder and Co-Ceo of Upland, Idan Zuckerman, also expressed his opinion on partnership with Gala “From the start we believed that working closely together with like-minded platforms to create interoperability will be the key for the future success of an open metaverse. We’re excited to partner with VOXverse, who share this vision, and to have the Gala Games and Upland communities come together to co-create and co-build on the two platforms.” 

Gala Games, a gaming blockchain ecosystem, claims itself to be different. Gala Gamers enable players to have control over gaming assets. In addition, players also have a say in the governance of protocol. Through distributed voting mechanisms, players get to decide on the games to add to the platform. 

Gala Games (GALA) token is its native token and is responsible for the platform’s operations.

Upland is a globally distributed organization headquartered in silicon valley. The firm was founded in 2018 by serial entrepreneurs Dirk Lueth, Honigstein, and Idan Zuckerman. 

The co-founders followed the combination of Monopoly and the rising Non-Fungible Token to create Upland. Users can purchase virtual land on the platform and commence their shop to trade digital collectibles. 

Similar to Monopoly, users can play and earn real money. Emerging from Monopoly, Upland gives fun experiences and new opportunities for everyone in conjunction with the real and virtual worlds.

Steve Anderrson
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