From Ethereum Co-Founder To the Top of Crypto Verse

Buterin was born in Kolomna, Russia in 1994. He became world famous after his invention of Etherum with the other founders, and he described it in a white paper in November 2013.

Later, on 26 January 2014, he described Ethereum more publicly in a speech at the Bitcoin Conference in Miami. He stated his views on the Ethereum Project by expressing his  thankfulness to work with prominent cryptographers, mathematicians, and economists.

Ethereum is popular for its variety of uses, such as staking, DeFi, and investing. Vitalik Buterin holds over 240,000 ETH at his address, which is nearly $400 Million.

Journey of Vitalik Buterin before Inventing Ethereum

Vitalik’s father, Dmitry, is a computer scientist. Vitalik lived in Russia till the age of six, and then moved to Canada where he was placed in the class of gifted children in the 3rd standard. He was drawn to mathematics, programming, and economics. He attended high school in Toronto, and  learned about Bitcoin at the age of 17 from his father.

After completing his schooling, he attended the University of Waterloo where he took advanced courses, and was the research assistant for cryptographer Ian Goldberg, who co-created Off the Record Messaging . In 2012, for Informatics he won a bronze medal in the International Olympiad in Italy.

In 2013, to share his excitement and knowledge about the code he visited  developers in other countries. He returned to Toronto later that year and published a white paper proposing Ethereum. He went to work on Ethereum full time in 2014 after dropping out of the university. On 30 November 2018, Buterin received an honorary doctorate from the faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Basel.

In 2011, he started writing for a publication, Bitcoin Weekly, where the owner offered five bitcoins to anyone who would write an article for him. He continued writing till the site was closed due to insufficient revenue. Later in the same year, in September, he was hired as a co-founder and writer for Bitcoin Magazine. In 2012, it came to print edition,  fully dedicated to cryptocurrencies.

In 2018, his father suggested that Buterin shift his attention to research. Buterin stated he realized the horrors centralized services can bring and soon decided to quit. 

Vitalik Buterin’s Association with Other Open Source Projects

Vitalik Buterin is the CMO at ERCSwap, Founder and Developer at Tokeneo and Founder and Inventor at Ethereum Foundation. ERCSwap was founded on May 9, 2022. It is an open source trusted peer to peer NFT trading and swap system, and part of the Ethereum Foundation. The Tokeneo community owns 90% of the Ethereum based TEO tokens.

As a developer, Vitalik has also contributed to open source software projects such as DarkWallet by Dody Wilson, Bitcoin Python libraries and cryptocurrency marketplace site Egora.

In a recent AMA session, he has described his least favorite aspect of cryptocurrency. Replying to David Hoffman in the session he said he faced disappointment in those who perceive the main innovation of cryptocurrency to be merely tokenization. Buterin also suggested ways to create amity between Ethereum and Bitcoin supporters.

Another sparkling news is how Elon Musk started following Vitalik Buterin on Twitter, and this forms the base to speculations about potential collaborations. He also tweeted the word Ethereum in April 2019. Buterin then extended an invitation to Musk to attend a conference. Musk responded to the query about potential developments on the Ethereum platform.

Ethereum Current Statistics

The market cap of Ethereum is up by 1.86% and it is currently at $226B. Its volume is up by 19.35% at $7B. It has a circulating supply of 120,220,157.47 ETH.

As per coinmarketcap chart on July 1, 2022 the number of whales are 26.5M, investors are 21.8M, and retail of 70.5M which has risen to 34.3M whales, 17.0M investors, and 70.7M retail on 28th June 2023.

Vitalik Buterin: From Ethereum Co-Founder To the Top of Crypto Verse
Source: coinmarketcap

Vitalik Buterin said he wants to expand Ethereum, by undergoing three major changes on Ethereum i.e., better privacy measures, scaling solutions, and secure wallets.

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