Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin Highlights the Benefits of Zk-Rollups After Polygon Launches zkEVM

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Following the launch of Polygon’s zkEVM, Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, has highlighted the benefits of the zk-rollups over Optimistic-rollups. 

In a recent interview, the Ethereum co-founder noted that the major advantage of the zero-knowledge rollups (zk-rollups) is the acceleration of the pace at which users can deposit and withdraw assets. 

Unlike Optimistic-rollups, developers using zk-rollups will no longer wait for the usual seven-day period before they can deposit and withdraw assets. 

Buterin said the wait time to deposit and withdraw assets has been eliminated by the zk-rollups protocol because users will now be required to submit blocks with proof. 

Buterin: Zk-Rollups Lower Security Risks While Optimistic Doesn’t

Furthermore, Buterin noted that zk-rollups offer more security than the conventional Optimistic-rollups. 

“[Another advantage is that] zk-rollups lower security risk even if the rollup has a very high capacity,” Buterin was quoted as saying. 

He cited a major flaw in Optimistic rollups, which can see invalid transactions completed, especially during an attack on the protocol. 

However, such issues cannot be recorded on the zk-rollups, as the protocol is highly secure. 

“zkEVMs will make lots of things more amazing at L1 and L2,” Buterin added. 

Polygon Launches zkEVM

The Ethereum’s co-founder’s comment follows Polygon’s launch of zkEVM (zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine). 

Many believed that a zkEVM was years away or not practical or competitive. No one believed in us, but Polygon did,” the Ethereum Layer-2 scaling platform said. 

ZkEVM is the world’s first Layer-2 zero-knowledge scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain. 

Polygon notes that the protocol will work with existing smart contracts, wallets, and developers’ tools. Polygon stated that the solution is synonymous with EVM, the framework where developers build their Ethereum-based decentralized applications (dApp). 

Developers can also use Ethereum’s dev tools and smart contracts on Polygon zkEVM. 

Polygon’s zkEVM is considered a more appealing choice than other L2 scaling solutions for developers due to its high level of security and censorship. The new solution will achieve full EVM’s scalability and equivalency at a unique pace.  

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