Ethereum is a Terrible Model, Stated Cardano Founder C Hoskinson

On August 17, a comment by an ETH fan again grasped the attention of individuals toward the blockchain concept. Comparing Cardano roadmap with the decentralized blockchain network, Ethereum took Cardano founder into the spotlight.    

Is Cardano Copying Ethereum’s Roadmap? 

One of the Ethereum enthusiasts made a comment on the roadmap of Cardano and criticized the platform. “Cardano is following the roadmap of Ethereum”, stated an ETH fan. The comment is made by the enthusiast during an exchange on X, claiming that ADA is following the roadmap of ETH and is only a few years behind Ethereum. The fan also asserted about the Hydra scaling solution, stating that Charles Hoskinson would stop discussing the Hydra Scaling solution in the upcoming time.

Hydra is a layer-2 scaling solution that went live recently after a long time under development. The solution was launched with the purpose to improve Cardano’s performance, security, and scalability. It is a state channel solution, offering individuals a faster transaction over a private network.

The ETH enthusiast further suggested six features that Charles Hoskinson needs to add to the ADA to achieve Ethereum’s success. Fee market and data availability are the main features on which Cardano should focus to gain success in the near future.      

The Reaction of ADA Founder 

The views of the ETH enthusiast made Charles Hoskinson respond to the fan’s commentary. He fired shots at the Ethereum blockchain while responding to the fan’s comment. “Ethereum is a terrible programming model, a dumpster fire” stated Cardano’s founder. Reacting to the fan’s comment, he also highlighted the past few years’ success stories of Cardano. “Both Mithril and Hydra scaling solutions are live on the Cardano” he added. 

Mithril is a research project development with the goal to offer stake-based threshold multi-signatures (STM) on the top of the network. The project was launched in its beta version in August 2022 and is undergoing a final testing stage.  

According to Charles Hoskinson, the team behind the projects found a better way to handle the transactions and related issues in a superior manner. The idea of tiered pricing and babel feed is expected to work well to handle transactions. He also made a comment on the Proof-of-stake (PoS) network. “The PoS network is lagging in terms of development” Charles Hoskinson commented. 

The main intention of highlighting Cardano’s achievement is to prove that Cardano is here to stay. Also, Cardano ranked in the third position, based on the recent report by Sentiment. Focusing on the current state, the current price of Cardano (ADA) is $0.263 with a market cap of $9.2 Billion. The total volume in the past 24 hours is measured around $413 Million.         


The comment of an ETH enthusiast on Cardano roadmap made Charles Hoskinson fire shots at the Ethereum blockchain. Based on the fan’s comment, ADA is copying Ethereum’s roadmap to become successful. In response, Charles Hoskinson commented that Ethereum has a terrible programming model which can’t be altered. He also focused on ADA live project including Mithril and Hydra scaling solutions to symbolize achievements of the Cardano blockchain.      

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