Electi Consulting & VeChain set up ETH tools to boost Web3 adoption

Electi Consulting, which happens to be a leader in technology consultancy, together with Vechain, happens to be setting up some of Ethereum’s most effective tools, along with carrying out rearrangements of Vechain’s developer documentation. Vechain, on the other hand, happens to be working on creating a real-world-ready blockchain experience, along with providing the opportunity for total acceptance of Web3 technologies. 

Their newly built Web3 as a service platform, VORJ, provides builders the opportunity of getting connected with one of the greatest and most multifaceted blockchain tools which can be utilized by users with no technological background. 

In order to make certain that the interoperability is simply of the highest degree, they have been working with such tools that are able to live up to the highest ever standards, as set by Ethereum. 

It was in the month of September 2022 that they happened to have formed a mutually beneficial partnership with Electi Consulting. This company happens to have an entire force of extremely professional team members who are deeply into cryptography, as well as possessing a tremendous amount of exposure where blockchain is concerned. Hardhat Plugin, as well as the library, happens to be the very first resultant factor related to their partnership, and it has just recently gone live. 

Hardhat happens to be an Ethereum development scenario that assists developers, as well as coders, to be able to carry out tests, as well as accumulate, position, and debug dApps. It will make it convenient for users as they create on Ethereum. These very tools offer an absolutely smooth and uninterrupted passage.

As a part of their plans for the future, interoperability happens to be playing an absolutely integral role. Working in tandem with Ethereum’s stringent technical parameters also happens to be essential. This is necessary for making certain about the highest degree of cross-chain adaptability. It also helps provide a known environment, in the case of developers of blockchain requiring to create on VechainThor. 

In the future will be the Open Zeppelin smart contract adaptability report, along with a Remix Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which will provide the builders the opportunity of being able to edit, as well as accumulate, test, and position ERC adaptable smart contracts to VechainThor. 

Vechain happens to be the creator of VechainThor, which is a smart contract platform leading to the real-world acceptance of blockchain technology. With the utilization of trustless data, smart contracts, as well as IoT technology, VechainThor has been instrumental in providing solutions over various verticals. 

Source: https://www.cryptonewsz.com/electi-consulting-and-vechain-set-up-eth-tools-to-boost-web3-adoption/