DeGods & y00ts shifts from Solana to Ethereum & Polygon

Solana prepared to bid adieu to two more NFT collections in the days to come. DeGod and y00ts have announced packing their shops from the ecosystem. Plans are in line to move to Ethereum and Polygon. While DeGods will move to Ethereum, y00ts will move over to Polygon, also being looked at as the next hot destination for the NFT collections. Frank is the creator of DeGods and y00ts. Frank has called the shift to Ethereum and Polygon a no-brainer, adding that the team is optimistic about the future of both projects.

The reasons are not out yet as to why both collections are making the shift. Also, details about the new bridge will be shared once it has been tested and deployed effectively. DeGods and its sis-collection y00ts made the announcement on Twitter.

Both collections are expected to conclude the shift by the first quarter of 2023. One thing that both announcements have in common is the commitment that such an activity has never been done at this scale. $DUST is also moving away from Solana. The native token will now operate on Ethereum and Polygon.

Polygon appears to be the next big thing, especially since it has partnered with some of the most reputed brands like Adidas, Nike, and Disney, to mention a few. Polygon has taken the industry by storm amid the rise of Reddit’s collectible avatars. Polygon has nearly 5 million unique users on the network. The data was shared by DuneAnalytics.

Followers on Twitter have shown great interest while feeling sorry for Solana. Adam Hollander, one of the followers, has called this a great move and has written RIP Solana. Yatmaxi, another follower, has expressed concern over the shift, saying that Solana is still the top project with tons of users and institutional support.

A question has been raised over the future of Solana now, especially since collections like DeGods and y00ts have announced to move out of the network. Many users believe that Ethereum and Polygon are the future; however, there is a specific reason for leaving Solana as of now. The shift could be a part of the extended partnership or a venture to move on to an updated network.

Users, meanwhile, remain split with the decision. While it is a wise decision according to some users, others are calling it the worst decision.DeGods and y00ts moving one to a new network bring bullish sentiments among users with a chance that Polygon and Ethereum may ultimately be the best choices. Bridges for both collections are being tested, and details can be expected to be published in the first quarter of the next year. Dates and schedules are subject to the developments of the project.
