In recent days, an anonymous Ethereum address sent more than 711 ETH to the WikiLeaks: Donate address.
This is therefore a donation to WikiLeaks of an amount of almost two million dollars.
It was done with five transactions initiated on February 10 and concluded yesterday.
The messages from the user who donated 711 ETH to WikiLeaks
The anonimo donatore has however also added some messages to these on-chain transactions.
In reality, he signed with the pseudonym Hu Lezhi, but it is not his real name. Therefore, he remains anonymous.
The messages, however, are written in Chinese and in English, so it is assumed that it is a Chinese user.
In total, the messages are three.
The first one says:
“There is a new model of crime that enslaves the victims, in which the victims’ senses of desire are gradually deprived until they become complete slaves of digital machines. If one day I become a victim of the final stage, I will choose to leave this world”.
The second adds:
“With the continuous development of brain-computer interfaces and mind-reading technologies, a new model of crime has emerged: wild animals have become puppets or true slaves of digital machines”.
Finally, the third concludes, stating only in Chinese:
“The CEOs of Kuande Investment: Feng Xin and Xu Yuzhi used brain-computer weapons to persecute all employees and former employees of the company, and even they themselves were controlled”.
The accusations made by the anonymous donor
Therefore, the anonymous Hu Lezhi with these donations to WikiLeaks launches strange accusations against Kuande Investment (which is actually called WizardQuant), and in particular against the CEOs Feng Xin and Xu Yuzhi.
Wizard Quant is a Chinese hedge fund that deals with innovation. It is possible that the anonymous person who goes by the name Hu Lezhi is an employee, or a former employee of the company.
The accusations against the company of having used brain-computer weapons to persecute all employees and former employees of the company seem, to be honest, rather absurd. In fact, Hu Lezhi even goes so far as to add that Feng Xin and Xu Yuzhi themselves would be controlled in this way.
Note that Hu Lezhi has practically emptied the Ethereum address he used to make these donations, and since in the first message he promised to leave this world if he became a victim of something similar, everything suggests a loss of sanity.
In fact, in addition to the 711 ETH donated to WikiLeaks, he also sent 603 ETH (1.65 million dollars) to the Ethereum burn address, always accompanying them with on-chain messages addressed to WikiLeaks.
He also sent 700 ETH to ndao.eth, and 33 ETH to Grant Provider.
In total, he sent 2.047 ETH (almost 5.6 million dollars) and now he is left with 0.27 ETH.
Donations to WikiLeaks
WikiLeaks is an international non-profit organization founded by Julian Assange. It is involved in publishing confidential documents, often obtained through anonymous sources, concerning governments, companies, and other institutions.
The organization has always relied on donations to support its activities. However, over the years, it has encountered various difficulties in receiving and processing payments due to restrictions and blocks imposed by financial institutions and governments.
In fact, for some time it has also started accepting them in cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Litecoin in addition to Ethereum.
Donations to WikiLeaks are essential to ensure its independence and the ability to continue publishing information of public interest.
On one hand, Hu Lezhi most likely donated these 711 ETH to WikiLeaks precisely to try to attract their attention, perhaps in the hope that they might investigate Kuande Investment, while on the other hand, he might have done it just to support the work of WikiLeaks.
Certainly 711 ETH is not a small amount, and with this gesture, Hu Lezhi has secured their attention. However, the accusations he has made seem bizarre, so it wouldn’t be surprising if WikiLeaks ultimately doesn’t delve too deeply into this matter.