Mental Health Care Services On Web3 Network

Web3 Network

  • According to academics, mental health care services can be powered by the Web3 network shortly.
  • This statement came from the academic professors of John Hopkins University, Baltimore.

What Do The Professors Say About Decentralised Mental Health Care Services?

One of the professors of John Hopkin University, Johannes Thrul, said that the mental health support sector could come with Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). It can present its mental health care services on a decentralised network.

Thrul shared a post on Twitter that aims at “Web3 and mental health care services.” That will speculate on a decentralised network with “individuals with lived experiences” dependency.

According to Thrul, the system would work by the “crypto token tied to the community.” This may repay “positive contribution to the community.” Like providing support to someone with a mental health care issue in its network. Adopting these changes does not rely on “border restrictions.”

By giving an example of remote delivery during the COVID19 pandemic, Thrul said about the health care service adoption. The Web3 network with mental health care services may not replace ordinary medical systems. But can be used for seeing a conventional psychologist.

One more professor of John Hopkins University, Luke Kalb, said that the decentralised system would provide more flexibility and freedom from the perspective of mental health care.

Luke said, “communities can come up with their own creative ways to tackle problems, this peer support system opens up to so many opportunities for creativity.”

According to the professors, this type of mental health care system can become beneficial shortly. Just because of the future lack of traditional mental health care services. While almost “61% of practising psychiatrists in the US are about to retire.”

A research paper from the Department of Health and Human Services refers to “a protracted national workforce shortage in all mental health professionals by 2025.” The professionals strongly believe in their research for decentralised and mental health care. And hope for the best from this technical partnership.
