Is OXT a Good Investment?

OXT is the unique Orchid cryptocurrency that is used for trading value on the orchid network pay-per-use system. Orchid (OXT) is a coin that powers the unique Orchid – a decentralized protocol based on the Ethereum blockchain intended to function as a shared VPN.

Plan is to build a network and marketplace for decentralized services. Our nanopayments architecture enables rapid payments over any blockchain.

Dr. Steven Waterhouse, Co-Founder / CEO at Orchid Labs

Geographical constraints, censorship, and restricted access to only specific products and services have increased the popularity of VPNs. Still, there are a few drawbacks to the “traditional” VPN providers: the users’ data is taken on a central server, making it susceptible to cyberattacks or government body scrutiny.

Orchid has developed a protocol to address this issue by enabling consumers to purchase bandwidth from a worldwide network of suppliers. As a consequence, a decentralized, secured, and scalable VPN is created.

The project’s primary goal is to offer the user privacy, bandwidth, and security all in one coin. Furthermore, since all transactions are in nano-payments, the platform provides minimal costs and a simple development procedure. Orchid seems to be a helpful technology, so let’s take a deeper look at OXT

What’s the Orchid Protocol?

Overview of Staking Process on Orchid

The Orchid protocol makes use of a complex nano-payments technology, which significantly lowers the transaction time between such a user’s query being made and executed, as well as the time required for nano-payments to be successful. The off-chain approach improves transaction speed and scalability while lowering transaction costs.

The network’s transactions are performed using the OXT coin. Bandwidth providers are encouraged to stake OXT coins collected as nano-payments on the network to improve their chances of receiving rewards. This method guarantees continuous demand for the native Orchid cryptocurrency and a long-term incentive system to maintain the nodes’ reliability and reach.

OXT roadmap

The Orchid protocol has a history that spans back to 2017. Orchid Laboratory in San Francisco invented it. In December 2019, the first rewarded privacy peer-to-peer service was introduced. Since the network’s inception in 2019, Orchid has already made tremendous progress. It’s become faster and more efficient to use, and many new partners have been added. Orchid Labs is still developing and contributing to this protocol.

In Oct. 2019, the platform announced on its website their actual intent for using nano-payments, which customers can enable and disable at any time.

OXT nano-payments

The company informed users of the joint initiative in January 2020. PIA (Private Internet Access) has emerged as an essential ally in the fight to protect web privacy and freedom. Payment can be made for byte-by-byte private bandwidth via the PIA by using OXT. Also, Orchid Labs started working with BolehVPN in Feb 2020.

The Orchid token (OXT) will be wholly integrated with Support. This trading platform involves buying, selling, and exchanging a wide range of assets, including fiat currencies, rare metals, and digital currencies, in August 2020. People can then use Uphold to fund and withdraw OXT to external wallets and buy, store, and send OXT on the platform.

Orchid spread its collaboration with Chainlink, a network of decentralized oracles, in September 2020 by introducing the new tool that makes things simpler for Orchid clients to calculate VPN bandwidth costs.

Orchid reported in July 2020 that users could indeed earn OXT by getting involved in the novel CoinList Reward scheme. CoinList has produced educational materials. Therefore, customers can learn further about Orchid and OXT, then finish a series of tasks (such as direct interaction with smart contracts) to receive $5 in OXT as an incentive. We can conclude that the Orchid project is progressing well these days.

Orchid Overview

OXT Overview

CoinSymbolPriceMarketcapChangeLast 24hSupplyVolume (24h)
OXT$ 0.314775$ 186.61 M4.22%591.54 M$ 6.98 M