Writing a Crypto Press Release? Steer Clear of These 5 Mistakes

So, when you’ve got significant project developments that could restart the hype cycle, you strike while the iron’s hot. This ensures maximum visibility and impact right out of the gate.

A well-crafted press release can help you do exactly that. Except most founders misfire out of the gates by making amateur blunders. Costly mistakes that turn their big product launch or funding round from front-page crypto news…to just another overlooked announcement drowning in a sea of white noise.

Don’t let that happen to you…

Table of Contents:

Mistake #1: Failing to Tell a Compelling Story 2

Mistake #2: Stuffing in Too Many Details 2

Mistake #3: Making Empty Promises 3

Mistake #4: Ignoring Media Needs 3

Mistake #5: DIY Distribution 4

Mistake #1: Failing to Tell a Compelling Story

Maybe you just closed a $20 million funding round. Or are you launching a breakthrough DApp? Big wins like this seem like they should speak for themselves, right? Wrong.

Huge news means nothing if readers aren’t drawn into why they should care. If you want to know how to write a crypto press release that captivates readers and has a measurable impact on your marketing efforts, you need to master the art of storytelling.

Start by introducing the problem you’re solving in a relatable way. Then, talk about your innovation and how it improves lives explicitly. People want to know how and why this news is important to them or to the communities they are involved in. Generic marketing or business speak will just not get the job done.

Share the journey you embarked on to get to this launch, discussing challenges overcome. In other words, focus less on facts and more on feelings. Create an emotional experience that holds attention and inspires journalists to dive deeper.

The truth is that not many people actually care that you have a patent-pending blockchain solution. They care that you’re empowering musicians to take control of their work or giving users more control over their financial freedom by cutting out the institutional middlemen. 

Mistake #2: Stuffing in Too Many Details

Are you excited about your project and want to cram everything in? Resist this urge. Stuffing a press release with technical specifications, excessive data points, complex roadmaps, etc., is a surefire way to lose reader interest quickly.

Keep it simple. Like an elevator pitch, press releases should spotlight only the most essential details—namely, why this matters to humans with emotions.

This is a common mistake with blockchain PR. Founders, in their enthusiasm, overload press releases with a heavy dose of complexity to showcase their brilliance. On the surface, this seems logical. You want the world to fully appreciate your state-of-the-art cryptography, pioneering consensus models, and never-before-seen sharding architectures fueling unprecedented scalability.

But this granular engineer-speak does little to captivate mainstream journalists or their general audiences. Eyes quickly glaze over once the fancy lingo starts dropping. Instead of geeking out on technical intricacies:

  • Stick to simple explanations of the core innovation and user benefit
  • Use analogies to describe complex concepts
  • Focus on tangible real-world use cases

Save the nitty-gritty product features, figures, and future plans for follow-up materials. Right now, you just need to convincingly communicate the core value proposition at a high level through engaging storytelling. The goal is to leave journalists wanting more, not overwhelmed and disengaged three paragraphs in because of dense technical details or confusing slang and jargon.

Mistake #3: Making Empty Promises

So you claim your new Layer 2 platform “eliminates Ethereum’s scaling problems forever.” That’s a pretty bold statement! Are you sure it won’t come back to bite you?

Journalists have become wise to outlandish claims and may be cautious to feature your story if it feels disingenuous. You lose all credibility the second you make questionable claims that don’t sync with reality. This destroys any shot at press coverage now or in the future.

Be extremely careful not to overinflate capabilities, overgeneralize competitive advantages, or promise more than you can deliver. Stay humble and honest. Admit current limitations without the hype. Underpromise and overdeliver through actions, not flashy press releases packed with fluff.

Mistake #4: Ignoring Media Needs

Your press release needs to resonate with media outlets and make a journalist’s job easier to boost publicity potential. However, most blockchain projects rarely consider a reporter’s perspective, which is a mistake. 

Put yourself in their shoes. Journalists constantly scramble to uncover intriguing stories before deadlines. They crave insider access to exclusive news and unique angles not recycled from the last 10 articles on blockchain x or crypto startup y.

So position your release at their level. Offer exclusive data or demonstrable business traction that competitor projects don’t. Maybe highlight unconventional founders with atypical paths to crypto. Provide video material that saves media teams’ production time. Or suggest attractive story angles reporters can instantly use to craft attention-grabbing coverage.

The more you simplify a journalist’s process for developing content around your release, the greater your visibility will be.

Mistake #5: DIY Distribution

Creating a solid press release is step one. But handling distribution yourself—especially in the crypto space—is an uphill battle. Going the DIY route is extremely time-consuming, inefficient, and unlikely to land coverage from reputable journalists.

As you know, the crypto category sees a flood of announcements daily, making it ultra-competitive to stand out in reporters’ crowded inboxes. Moreover, most writers stick to established PR distribution platforms to discover stories…not combing the whole internet themselves.

Your best bet is to leverage specialist PR distribution platforms with existing crypto media relationships. The best options have intricate journalist and outlet databases specifically for blockchain and Web3 coverage, enabling tailored targeting at scale.

Simply submit your announcement and let the platform handle optimized pitching for maximum visibility. Now, your release has a real shot at landing in front of top crypto reporters and analysts at renowned industry publications—no tedious manual outreach is required. 

Final Word

Steer clear of these five common stumbling blocks in your next crypto press release, and you’ll be primed for maximum impact when launch day arrives. The main takeaway is not to overcomplicate the messages. Make them relatable and human-focused, and if possible, put a narrative behind your journey and the problems you are trying to solve. 

Source: https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/writing-a-crypto-press-release-steer-clear-of-these-5-mistakes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=writing-a-crypto-press-release-steer-clear-of-these-5-mistakes