Which Crypto Will 100x Next? A Look at 5 Top Contenders

Expected to grow at a CAGR of 11% over the next five years, the global cryptocurrency market is an unmissable opportunity for anyone eyeing long-term gains. With a utility that rivals most traditional financial instruments, cryptocurrencies are secure digital assets that are a secure investment mechanism for anyone – be it a rookie or an experienced crypto user. Plus, what adds to their allure is the variety of options.

You technically choose from thousands of crypto projects. In fact, if analysts are to be believed many of them like InQubeta are even expected to surge by 100x in the coming months. Built on the Ethereum network, InQubeta is a cutting-edge platform where startups working in the artificial intelligence (AI) industry can raise funds from potential investors by offering them a reward level or equity share in their company. Investors get to benefit as well for they get a chance to score opportunities at the right time and secure the early bird advantage.

In addition, the security of Ethereum smart contracts ensures that these deals are conducted securely and transparently. And not just InQubeta, there are several more growth-driven crypto projects that you can explore in today’s market. The following list features some of the altcoins to watch out for in 2023 that can take your crypto portfolio to the next level. Check out these tokens that are regularly recommended by many experts. 

1. InQubeta: Making funding more accessible for AI startups

InQubeta has the potential to become a game changer for the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector with its nuanced use case. Not only is the platform solving a crucial industrial challenge but it is also paving the way for innovations that can catalyze the DeFi ecosystem. Many times startups are found to lag in their growth plans due to a lack of funding. InQubeta aims to fix that by ushering in a new mechanism that helps startups securely raise funds while helping potential investors to score good opportunities early on. Backed by Ethereum’s efficiency and security, InQubeta facilitates and executes authentic fundraising deals that benefit both sides. Given its high-end utility, it’s no wonder that InQubeta is being hailed by many market experts as one of the best new icos of 2023.

Once an AI startup onboards InQubeta, it has to create an NFT that represents a reward level or promises an equity percentage in its company to a potential investor. These NFTs are uploaded on InQubeta’s NFT marketplace where they can be evaluated by investors. If an investor likes the terms offered by a startup they pay for the NFT and the sale proceeds are transferred to the startup. Apart from funds, startups also get access to a growing community of QUBE token holders and expand their network. Investors would pay for these NFTs in terms of QUBE tokens, which is InQubeta’s native token. The native cryptocurrency is the medium of exchange on the network and can be used for every transactional use on the platform. It will be made available via a nine-stage presale process. Every stage will have a different token price. For instance, the token price has been fixed at $0.0070 in the first stage ‘Beta’. Hence, it is advisable that interested buyers get their hands on the token as early as possible.

With a total stock of 1,500,000, 000 units, the QUBE token is a multi-purpose token. The token serves as a governance token for the InQubeta ecosystem. QUBE token holders can secure voting rights and cast their vote for or against a proposal pitched by community members. These proposals seek to implement changes that have the potential to improve the InQubeta protocol. Using these voting rights, token holders can also move proposals themselves.

Another reason why the QUBE token is featured on leading analysts’ best cryptocurrency ico list is its deflationary model. In a deflationary cryptocurrency, the token supply is regularly controlled so that it doesn’t exceed its demand. To control the supply, the tokens are burned systematically. In InQubeta’s case, this is done by sending the extra tokens to the burn wallet. By keeping the supply scarce, the team ensures that token holders don’t lose their return to price fluctuations or inflationary factors. An example of how InQubeta implements the deflationary model is via its sell tax. Any token holder who sells a QUBE token will have to pay a tax of 10%. A large portion of the tokens paid as tax proceeds is utilized for maintaining the liquidity and reward pools and for funding marketing campaigns. At the same time, the team sends 1% of the tax proceeds to the burn wallet to keep the token supply in check.

Users should know that the InQubeta team has a lock-in period of 12 weeks for all purchased tokens. After buying the tokens, users can access them only after the vesting period ends. With a vesting period in place, the team can gradually release tokens and create a sustainable investment environment for users. 

2. DigiToads: Turning a new chapter in DeFi

DigiToads is an Ethereum-powered crypto project whose key USP is its hybrid economic design which has been developed by fusing three different crypto models — a meme coin, a Web 3.0 game, and a stake-to-earn portal. With a multitude of options available on a single platform, users can look forward to earning passive income via staking, trading, participating in Web 3.0 games, entering giveaways, and even holding tokens. The multi-faceted crypto model is ideal for anyone looking to learn about cryptocurrency trading for beginneItsIt’s native token TOADS is used for transactions and other related use cases.

One of the key features of DigiToads is its play-to-earn game where the winners are those who are among the top 25% scorers on the leaderboard. These winners will only be announced after the month-long game season ends. To bag a winning spot on the leaderboard, players compete amongst themselves in a virtual swamp that’s styled like an arena. They have the option of taking help from a breed of digital creatures called DigiToads, who are known for their special abilities and superior strength. The in-game items that users can buy include training equipment, food, and potions for these DigiToads. 

Buy DigiToads Now

3. Copium: Seizing the right opportunity in cryptoverse

If you are scouring the cryptocurrency market for something unique, Copium might be what you are looking for. The meme token has been designed to bring together elements of transparency and humor with the potential of earning long-term financial gains. The meme coin draws inspiration from the concept of ‘fear of missing out’ opportunity and ‘coping’ with missed opportunities in the crypto market. The platform has released a native token that’s called COPIUM which is used for any transactional use that one might come across on the network. By opting for Copium, token holders can look forward to exciting rewards via NFTs and airdrop offerings.

The Render Network is a top altcoin that is catalyzing the process of creating digital assets with its rendering solutions. The platform is among the leading providers of GPU-based rendering services that are decentralized. Its native token RNDR is the main cryptocurrency on the network. Its key USP is that it enables developers to overcome hardware limitations and unleash their creativity while building dApps. The network enables developers to access the power of GPU rendering at cost-effective rates and high speed. The platform has been designed to connect users who are skilled at rendering jobs with those having idle GPUs. With the Render Network, one can connect their GPUs to the platform to access and complete rendering jobs using. Helping them complete these jobs would be the Render Network’s core tool OctaneRender. GPU owners can send RNDR tokens to professionals completing the render work. The platform would be receiving a small percentage of the fee for facilitating the transaction and other services.

5. Kava: Powering next-generation dApps

Kava is often considered the best cryptocurrency to buy in today’s market because of its ability to drive impact in the Web 3.0 industry. The Layer 1 blockchain enables developers to build highly scalable dApps with Web 3.0 tools that combine the functionality of Ethereum and Cosmos protocols. The platform has released a native token called KAVA which is used for all transactional purposes on the network. For many developers, what stands out about Kava is the fact that it was built to optimize resources and drive protocol growth. At the same time, by leveraging Cosmos’ EVM technology, it offers benefits like high scalability, developer support, enhanced speed, and security. Not to forget, the platform is interoperable. Developers can connect Kava-based dApps to more than 30 blockchains via the Cosmos’ IBC protocol. The cross-chain code architecture paves the way for seamless transfers of assets and data between Ethereum and Cosmos networks. The interoperability enables developers to explore new opportunities and broaden access for users.


These cryptocurrencies are enough to solve any doubts you might have about what cryptos to buy now. They are packed with features and balance high-end utility with versatility. Their user-friendly interfaces act as another plus. Targeted at both amateur and experienced traders, these tokens are being accumulated by whales. While these cryptocurrencies have their strengths, InQubeta is the only one among these six projects that is being lauded by cryptocurrency analysts. Analysts are pretty impressed with InQubeta’s nuanced model that bridges the gap between AI startups and fundraising opportunities. Plus, investors get to explore futuristic projects that have a high potential for growth. In the coming months, analysts expect it to smash several crypto records. Accumulating huge volumes of cryptocurrencies with solid utilities could potentially provide King-sized gains in the future. 

Having said that, it is always advisable that crypto users study the market and research a crypto token before buying it. As market changes can be unpredictable, crypto users should take their time in understanding the risks associated with a crypto project. Do your own research before investing. 

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Source: https://coinpedia.org/press-release/which-crypto-will-100x-next-a-look-at-five-top-contenders/