On September 15th, the Tokyo Game Show began in Japan with attendance from over 600 firms across 37 nations. The event, which is holding at Chiba, is the first public gathering since the Covid-19 pandemic, which forced many indoors.
Latest Technologies Showcased At The Tokyo Game Show
Today, the Tokyo Game Show opened its doors to influential figures from the gaming industry. This will bring the most recent technologies from the metaverse and VR into the public light.
At the event center in Chiba, located close to Tokyo, attendees may participate in the yearly fiesta for video-game fans until Sunday. This event is among the largest anywhere in the globe.
As of September 16th, members of the public can watch the program. Unfortunately, the exhibition has always been staged online due to the limits imposed by the coronavirus pandemic.
Meanwhile, the organizers anticipate an audience of over 150,000 for the massive event. Moreover, over 600 businesses and organizations from 37 different nations and regions are participating in the show.
Two of the most prominent participants are Square Enix Co. and Capcom Co. The Computer Entertainment Supplier’s Association, responsible for organizing the event, has stated that even though it is available to the public once more, some of the displays would still be viewed online.
Hideki Hayakawa, chairman of the occasion, stated that most people have come to understand the usage of games for communication during the pandemic. He said the show wants people to experience exciting gaming in virtual worlds and reality as well.
Furthermore, more firms, from game designers to banks, have begun to understand the financial possibilities of a virtual environment. This virtual environment will allow users to attend events, enjoy shopping, and connect with others.
During the keynote speech, Bandai Namco Holdings revealed that the firm is working on creating a metaverse based on the popular robot Gundam.
Koji Fujiwara, the firm’s Chief Gundam Officer,” said the organization will develop a space where game lovers from all around the world may congregate and communicate.”
Tokyo Game Show Among Top Gaming Conventions Globally
Facebook, in 2021, rebranded its company to Meta to pursue metaverse development. This shows the huge potential of the industry.
Meanwhile, Japan’s policy shift toward loosening limits on the lockdown has increased the number of participants. The number of organizations has increased to almost 90% of what it was in 2019, which was 655.
Furthermore, the total number of titles presented is 1,864, which is a significant increase from the 1,522 presented in 2019. In addition to Gamescom in Germany and E3 in the US, the Tokyo Game Show is considered one of the most important gaming conventions in the world.
Source: https://crypto.news/virtual-reality-and-the-metaverse-steals-the-spotlight-at-tokyo-game-show/