US Gov’t surveys crypto mining’s impact on electricity use

The U.S. Energy Information Administration will conduct a six-month mandatory survey involving all commercial cryptocurrency proof-of-work mining companies in the country.

The United States Department of Energy (DOE) has begun a mandatory information collection drive to develop a “baseline snapshot” of the energy consumption of the country’s cryptocurrency mining industry.

As Cointelegraph previously reported, the DOE’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) will carry out a provisional survey to measure the electricity usage of local mining firms. The DOE’s statistics agency received approval for its “emergency request” to collect data in January 2024.

Cointelegraph contacted the EIA to confirm finer details of the data collection drive and its reasoning. EIA media relations representative Morgan Butterfield cited a memorandum from the agency’s Administrator, Joe DeCarolis, requesting emergency clearance, which outlines the organization’s belief that the resurgent price of Bitcoin (BTC) is driving increased mining activity in the United States:

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