Twitter seeks to hire candidates for crypto roles

Twitter, one of the leading social media platforms, has plans to integrate NFTs and crypto to its platform. The platform wants to allow users to use NFT profiles and bring NFTs in the timeline. In a tweet on Friday, Tess Rinearson, engineering lead at Twitter asked the world to help shape the future of crypto at the social media hub. Notably, the job posting advertises NFT tooling, membership tokens, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), and more. Indeed, the social media giant is hiring for the role of a Senior Product Manager, Crypto.

Read More: Twitter Users can now put NFTs as Profile Picture and a lot more

Twitter seeks Senior Crypto role

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Twitter crypto engineering lead has posted a job advertisement. Notably, the post advertises Non-Fungible Tokens tooling, membership tokens, DAOs, and more. According to the job listing posted this week, the platform is looking for the role of Senior Product Manager, Crypto. Moreover, the position should have special focu on creator monetization.

The post read that in this capacity, the team behind the products will be closely looking at NFTs and NFT tooling, membership tokens, DAOs, and more. The post refers to NFTs and DAOs.

Social platform ventures into the realm of Web3.0

The announcement of hiring for a crypto position at Twitter revealed after the firm ventures into the realm of Web3.0. The latest measures came to the chagrin of Jack Dorsey, co-founder and former CEO of the firm, who is also an avowed Bitcoin maximalist..

The social media firm had established a dedicated crypto team, last year in November, before Dorsey left his position to focus on Square.

Twitter’s team introduced NFT verification services

The hiring news came on heels of the NFT verification announcement. On Friday, the firm introduced an NFT verification service. The services will be offered to those who pay $3 a month for its Twitter Blue Service.

Twitter’s crypto engineering lead hails from the blockchain ecosystem interoperability, having previously worked at Tendermint. Notably, the Tendermint team had previously launched the Cosmos network.

The Twitter job post also lists a coalition with Bluesky, the firm’s decentralized social platform initiative. Notably, the product is going to be one of the senior product manager’s responsibilities.
