Top 5 Best Crypto Audit Companies In 2023

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, mainstream adoption continues its rapid ascent. As a result, the auditing industry has emerged as a fast-growing sector. Let’s check out Coincu’s list of the top 5 best crypto audit companies in 2023.
Top 5 Best Crypto Audit Companies In 2023

What is a crypto audit company?

The blockchain industry is in a constant state of evolution, marked by unprecedented growth and innovation. However, this prosperity has brought with it an increased threat of cyberattacks and security breaches, making robust security measures more vital than ever. One of the key pillars of such measures is regular audits.

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, ensuring trust, security, and legal compliance is paramount. To achieve this, businesses are turning to reputable auditing companies that specialize in blockchain security. These firms provide comprehensive security services, including smart contract audits and blockchain audits, to safeguard businesses operating in the crypto space.

The cryptocurrency market is inherently volatile, and the slightest mistake can lead to the loss of billions of dollars. Therefore, the role of auditing companies in ensuring the safety of crypto company funds and their customers’ funds cannot be overstated.

Why is a crypto audit company important?

Hacks and security breaches continue to rise, making it crucial to fortify the digital realm. Within this landscape, smart contracts have emerged as a critical element that requires meticulous auditing.

Smart contracts, often referred to as self-executing computer programs, encode the terms of an agreement between buyers and sellers within lines of code. These contracts are not just lines of text; they represent the backbone of many blockchain-based applications and systems. They are hosted and executed on the blockchain via a computer network, creating a framework that renders transactions traceable, transparent, and irreversible.

The surge in interest in cryptocurrencies, DeFi (Decentralized Finance), NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), and the metaverse has driven a significant demand for auditing services. As more enthusiasts enter the crypto space every day, project developers are increasingly turning to audit companies to ensure the security and reliability of their smart contracts. However, this burgeoning demand has exposed a gap in the availability of companies offering these vital services.

Smart contracts are deployed onto the blockchain with a permanence that echoes the nature of the digital world—once deployed, there is no turning back. With the concept of smart contracts being relatively new, having been around for only a few years, only a handful of developers boast extensive experience in this field. This scarcity of expertise highlights the challenges faced by developers when it comes to ensuring the security of their contracts.

It is in this environment that the need for third-party audits of smart contracts becomes apparent. A fresh set of expert eyes is vital to identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities within the code. By having auditors assess their smart contracts, developers can significantly reduce the risk of catastrophic losses due to unforeseen issues.

Top 5 best crypto audit companies


PeckShield, a prominent blockchain cybersecurity company known for its wide range of security services, has gained recognition in the industry. Founded in 2018, this China-based audit and security firm has made a significant impact by auditing various blockchain protocols, including Aave, EOS, Tron, OlympusDAO, and PancakeSwap.

What sets PeckShield apart is its international team of experts, who bring diverse experiences and skills to the table. Back in 2018, the company made headlines when it uncovered vulnerabilities such as BatchOverflow within Ethereum smart contracts, establishing itself as a trusted name in the cybersecurity space. This makes PeckShield one of the best crypto audit companies.

The company’s success can be attributed to the wealth of blockchain technology knowledge that its team possesses. Through a combination of services, including threat monitoring, DAppTotal, and CoinHolmes, PeckShield is dedicated to providing end-to-end protection for all blockchain users.

Top 5 Best Crypto Audit Companies In 2023

One of the standout features of PeckShield is its commitment to keeping the public informed. Regular updates on the latest developments, including news about loan exploits, rug pulls, and other potential threats, are shared through the company’s official channels.

PeckShield’s services encompass a wide spectrum of security measures, with code audits and threat intelligence being just a few of the offerings that cater to the ever-evolving blockchain landscape. Their international team and dedication to maintaining transparency have positioned them as a go-to resource for safeguarding the blockchain ecosystem.


Founded by a team of experienced attack-defense experts who ventured into the blockchain space, Slowmist has become one of the foremost blockchain security firms, offering a range of services aimed at bolstering the security of various blockchain ecosystems.

Slowmist’s extensive blockchain security services have set it apart as a top player in the industry. They are known for their meticulous smart contract auditing and their involvement in setting up both national and international standards for blockchain systems.

In addition to their smart contract auditing expertise, Slowmist also specializes in defense deployment and vulnerability scanning. These services are crucial in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities within blockchain networks, ensuring the utmost security for their clients.

Top 5 Best Crypto Audit Companies In 2023

One key area where Slowmist has made significant contributions is in the realm of anti-money laundering (AML) services. As crypto continues to gain mainstream adoption, regulators around the world are increasing their scrutiny of cryptocurrency businesses. Slowmist’s AML services have become invaluable for crypto companies looking to comply with these regulations.

Notably, Slowmist has worked with various blockchain ecosystems, including the EOS ecosystem and standard Ethereum-adjacent chains. Their involvement with these diverse projects showcases their versatility and their ability to adapt to the unique needs and challenges of different blockchain platforms.


Founded in 2018 by distinguished professors from Yale University and Columbia University, CertiK has been pivotal in providing end-to-end security solutions for blockchain projects. CertiK is also one of the best crypto audit companies.

As of 2023, CertiK boasts an impressive track record, having audited over 3,500 projects, uncovering and rectifying more than 60,000 findings, and securing assets exceeding $300 billion. This remarkable achievement underscores the trust the blockchain community places in CertiK’s expertise and professionalism.

What sets CertiK apart from its peers is its commitment to comprehensiveness. When auditing smart contracts, CertiK goes beyond the ordinary and recommends solutions for vulnerabilities discovered.

Top 5 Best Crypto Audit Companies In 2023

This proactive approach has endeared them to some of the largest DeFi protocols and cryptocurrency exchanges, including industry giants like Binance, OKEx, AAVE, Polygon, and more. These partnerships reflect the industry’s recognition of CertiK’s prowess in enhancing security in the blockchain ecosystem.

Certik’s dedication to securing blockchain projects and protecting users’ assets has helped shape the industry’s security standards. With a team of experts and a proven track record, CertiK continues to be a guardian of trust in the blockchain world.


The next name in the list of best crypto audit companies is Hacken, a distinguished crypto audit company known for its unrelenting commitment to ensuring the safety and integrity of digital assets. Hacken specializes in a wide array of cybersecurity audits, encompassing blockchain and crypto exchange audits, setting the gold standard for security in the crypto world.

Founded by a team of cybersecurity experts, Big Four professionals, and ethical hackers, Hacken has been on a mission to educate the community and foster the growth of Web 3.0 cybersecurity startups since its inception in 2017. Their dedication to cybersecurity has made them a trusted name in the industry.

One of Hacken’s key strengths lies in its impressive client portfolio, which boasts names like Solana, VeChain,, KuCoin, Huobi, 1inch, and Avalanche. These leading players in the cryptosphere have turned to Hacken to safeguard their digital assets and maintain the security of their platforms. In total, Hacken has been instrumental in protecting assets worth over $10 billion, an extraordinary feat in the crypto space.

Top 5 Best Crypto Audit Companies In 2023

Hacken offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to ensure top-tier security. These services include smart contract security audits, KYC background checks, penetration testing, and bug bounty programs. In an industry where security breaches can lead to colossal financial losses, Hacken provides a one-stop solution to bolster the defenses of crypto platforms and projects.

The reputation of Hacken has extended far beyond individual clientele. Their certification is recognized and accepted as a Web 3.0 security standard by well-respected entities like Coingecko and Coinmarketcap. This recognition underscores the company’s commitment to maintaining the highest security standards in the world of cryptocurrencies.


Quantstamp, a global leader in smart contract security auditing, has solidified its reputation as a premier player in the blockchain industry. Through its automated security checks and a team of experienced PhDs and security professionals, Quantstamp has audited smart contracts and secured over $200 billion in value, setting it apart from other tech giants.

Quantstamp’s expertise in blockchain security auditing transcends language barriers, as the company’s skilled professionals are capable of auditing blockchains in any programming language, making them a go-to choice for many in the industry. Quantstamp compared to the best crypto audit companies, it also deserves a place.

Top 5 Best Crypto Audit Companies In 2023

The company’s commitment to blockchain security goes beyond auditing. Quantstamp also offers financial services that support ecosystems integrated into Layer 1 blockchains, demonstrating their dedication to fostering innovation within the blockchain space.

Quantstamp has made a name for itself by conducting audits on a diverse range of systems and protocols, including but not limited to Ethereum 2.0, Solana, BNB Chain, Cardano Maker, Curve, and OpenSea. This broad expertise allows them to adapt to the evolving blockchain landscape, ensuring the security of new and existing blockchain projects.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.
