SHIB Community Receives Exciting News From Bitrue Crypto Exchange

Singapore-based cryptocurrency exchange Bitrue has unveiled exciting news for the Shiba Inu (SHIB) community.

In a new announcement, Bitrue expands its PowerPiggy with an exclusive offer for new users. The three crypto assets to enjoy this offer are BTC, Ethereum and Shiba Inu. Via this offer, participants will be able to enjoy daily payouts of up to 20% APR with no lock-up.

Bitrue Power Piggy allows holders to invest their coins and forget about them for a while. Users receive daily interest, and they are allowed to remove the coins whenever they like. Power Piggy supports over 100 coins, with interest rates ranging from 2% to 12%.

Yesterday, Bitrue announced the listing of the Shiba Inu ecosystem token, Doge Killer (LEASH), through the LEASH/USDT pair.

The official release states that the LEASH/USDT pair’s spot trading will begin on July 12 at 10:00 a.m. (UTC). In addition, users will have access to LEASH withdrawals on July 13 at 10:00 a.m. (UTC).

The Shiba Inu Trifecta (SHIB, BONE and LEASH), which are the Shiba Inu ecosystem tokens, are currently listed on Bitrue, one of the few major exchanges to do so.

Shiba Inu advances governance structure

Lucie, a Shiba ecosystem official, has shared an interesting update on Shiba Inu’s move toward complete and permanent decentralization, while promising further details in the days ahead.

SHIB is implementing a self-governing structure with a DAO and a foundation, Lucie shared in a tweet. Β The DAO will make decisions, and the foundation will execute them. This ensures control and prevents allocation issues.

Lucie added that the Doggy DAO(s) would split governance into four areas: Shib for the community, Bone for technology, Leash for protection and Treat for community projects.

As reported, in a blog post the previous week, Shiba Inu lead Shytoshi Kusama unveiled the next direction for Shiba Inu governance, saying the four tokens of the Shiba Inu ecosystem will each have their governance.
