Pi Network Team Set to Unveil Detailed Roadmap in September, Pi Coin Price Explodes +15%

Pi Network Team Set to Unveil Detailed Roadmap in September, Pi Coin Price Explodes +15%

Key highlights:

  • It looks like big things are brewing for Pi Network.
  • Their core team is set to unveil a detailed roadmap this coming September that will give us all a glimpse into their plans once mainnet finally launches.
  • Over 3 million wallets have also successfully migrated to the Pi blockchain – quite an achievement for a project still in its testing phase.

As excitement builds within the Pi Network community, many pioneers are eagerly awaiting what lies ahead once the cryptocurrency’s highly anticipated mainnet launch finally materializes. While the project continues operating behind closed doors for now, recent signs point to big changes on the horizon.

Total wallets and mining rewards on Pi Network

Migration milestone reached

In a message spreading far and wide across Twitter, @PiNewsMedia revealed that over 3.1 million wallets have now successfully migrated to the Pi Network blockchain. What an achievement for a project still in its infancy! It’s a testament to the dedication of pioneers around the world who have stuck with Pi through patient mining over the past few years.

According to Justin Li of @Web3JustinLi, the Pi Core Team will be unveiling a detailed mainnet roadmap in September. What secrets will this map reveal about Pi’s plans once its firewall comes down?

Tracking the crypto that isn’t quite crypto… Yet

For now, Pi’s mainnet remains closed off from external connectivity. That means the “price” being tracked on platforms like Coincodex isn’t truly the native value of PI coin, but rather that of PI IOUs (I Owe You’s) exchanged on unofficial third party markets.

Essentially, IOUs are placeholders representing claims on the real thing – in this case, future PI tokens. They allow eager traders to speculate and place early bets on what Pi may be worth down the line. In that light, they can still provide clues as to where the project is heading.

The price is right?

Case in point, in recent weeks PI Price IOUs exploded upwards by over 15% according to CoinCodex. What catalyst drove this surge? Perhaps pioneers are feeling bullish after migrating their advance wallets. Or the looming roadmap reveal has them excited for what’s to come.

Regardless of the cause, it suggests demand is growing for Pi even in its immature pre-mainnet form. Once those walls come tumbling down and the crypto world gets a taste of what Pi has to brew, who knows how high the price may rocket!

But wait, there’s more

Speculation aside, the Pi project is Lightyears ahead of where it was at genesis. Over 3 million adopted its novel mining model, proving such concepts can gain true worldwide traction. Now it’s on the cusp of joining the ranks of fully established cryptocurrencies.

With such a huge community and innovative social infrastructure already in place, Pi is poised to disrupt the industry. Once those gates open, pioneers may look back and marvel at how far they’ve come.

Source: https://coincodex.com/article/31957/pi-network-team-set-to-unveil-detailed-roadmap-in-september-pi-coin-price-explodes-15/