KuCoin report shows crypto adoption rate in Turkey

In recent years, Turkey has witnessed a significant increase in crypto adoption as its population seeks alternatives to combat high inflation. According to a survey conducted by KuCoin, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, the adoption rate has risen from 40% to 52% over the past year and a half. This trend reflects a growing interest in cryptocurrencies, particularly as a hedge against the depreciation of the Turkish lira, which has lost over 50% of its value against the US dollar.

KuCoin report unveils crypto embrace in Turkey

KuCoin’s “Understanding Crypto Users” report is based on the responses of 500 survey participants in Turkey. The KuCoin survey findings indicate a notable shift towards cryptocurrency ownership and investment in the country. This surge in adoption can be attributed to several factors, including the need for a store of value amid high inflation rates. Among the survey participants, 58% cited “accumulating wealth over the long term” as their primary reason for investing in cryptocurrencies.

This suggests that many Turks view cryptocurrencies as a viable investment option to preserve and grow their wealth, especially in the face of economic uncertainty driven by inflation. Additionally, 37% of respondents mentioned using crypto as a store of value, further emphasizing its role as a safeguard against the eroding value of the national currency. Bitcoin remains the most favored cryptocurrency among Turkish investors, with 71% of respondents reporting ownership. Ethereum and stablecoins also enjoy significant popularity, with 45% of participants holding Ethereum and other stable digital assets.

These preferences highlight the trust and recognition that established cryptocurrencies have gained in the Turkish market. Traditionally, men have been more likely to invest in cryptocurrencies, but the KuCoin survey reveals a shift in this trend. In Turkey, young women are increasingly entering the crypto space, with 47% of investors between the ages of 18 and 30 being female. This changing demographic landscape suggests that cryptocurrencies are gaining acceptance among a broader segment of the population, including younger generations and women.

Factors driving Turkey’s crypto adoption rate

One intriguing aspect of the survey is the role of word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family in influencing investment decisions. A staggering 57% of respondents indicated that they decided to invest in cryptocurrencies based on recommendations from their social circles. This underscores the importance of social influence and trust in driving crypto adoption. As more individuals share their positive experiences with cryptocurrencies, it encourages others to explore this financial frontier.

While the private sector is witnessing a surge in crypto adoption, the Turkish government has been experimenting with its central bank digital currency (CBDC), known as the Digital Lira. This initiative represents the government’s attempt to modernize the financial system and explore the benefits of digital currencies. However, the simultaneous rise in cryptocurrency adoption suggests that Turks are also looking beyond the state-backed digital currency and seeking decentralized alternatives.

Turkey’s increasing cryptocurrency adoption is a response to the country’s economic challenges, particularly high inflation rates. The findings from KuCoin’s survey indicate that a significant portion of the population views cryptocurrencies as a means to protect and grow their wealth. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and stablecoins are the preferred choices for Turkish investors, while word-of-mouth recommendations play a pivotal role in attracting new participants to the crypto market.

As cryptocurrencies continue to gain traction in Turkey, it remains to be seen how the government’s Digital Lira initiative will coexist with these decentralized assets. Regardless, the surge in adoption underscores the growing importance of cryptocurrencies in the global financial landscape and their potential to provide financial stability in economies facing inflationary pressures.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/kucoin-crypto-adoption-rate-in-turkey/