Iran Seeking Freeze Bank Accounts; Will Protest Get Suppressed or Rescued by Crypto?

Freeze Bank Accounts

Any revolution could not sustain longer without the financial aid, and the oppressors know it too. This gives them an advantage to come forwards and crush the financial streams of the people and the revolution would get over on its own. Iran is set to pick up the similar method in order to deal with the ongoing movement within the country. 

Prominent Figures Cautioned of Action

An Iranian parliament member was reported by the local media stating the government’s plan to punish the protestors, most of which are women. Women refusing to wear hijab and go bare head publicly and those who do not follow the same even after the warnings, their bank accounts are said to get frozen. 

A member of the Cultural Commission of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, Hossein Jalali was reported to say that the person subjected to the punishment would be first sent an SMS. They would be first requested to wear the hijab respecting the law. Even then if they do not follow, then they would be likely to enter the third stage of the warning phase. In this stage their bank account would get freezed. 

In addition, Jalalli said that the Iranian morality police would not be making the people, who are breaking the law, to comply. Rather, cameras and artificial intelligence like sophisticated systems would be deployed to identify the offenders. 

What Ignited the Revolt in Iran?

The ongoing ‘Iran hijab protest’ took off in mid-September 2022. The instance of an Iranian woman, Mhasa Amini, dying in police custody. The Morality police arrested Amini for not wearing a hijab properly. In the following days, she was reported dead under suspicious circumstances in a Tehran hospital. 

The incident shook the people all over the world and women in Iran came down on the roads to protest against it. They started burning their hijab, refusing to wear them and cutting their hair publicly. All these were to make the government take down the compulsion of wearing hijab in the country. 

Authorities Using Freezing of Accounts

The instance of freezing the bank accounts or halting the financial aids is not the first seen in Iran. Authorities across the countries have seen to deploy the same strategy to crush down the protests. However, the protestors and affected individuals usually turn towards the crypto assets to avoid such sanctions. 

To receive international fundings as well as to use the funds to exchange goods internally, protestors use the cryptocurrencies. For the simple reason that governments could stop people from using banking systems and could not refrain them from using decentralized crypto assets. Iranian protesters could also use the same tactics or the government’s move would be successful, only time will tell. 
