How is AI Capable of  Bridging the Language Barrier in Crypto?

In the future, artificial intelligence is expected to play a pivotal role in almost every sector. Crypto is one of these sectors.

Cryptocurrencies rely on blockchains which are considered immutable and secure. The blockchains are comprised of smart contracts which usually hold all the information related to it. This information is trackable which increases authenticity. Still, bad actors and malicious attempts make crypto risky. This risk is avoided by using AI which is known as Symbolic AI.

What is Symbolic AI?

This type of AI is human readable and closer to how we think. It simply means that it is different from generative AI which is based on statistics and data. Symbolic AI is not trained with data.

It is designed to bring smart contract and blockchain technology to the next level. Since it is human readable it makes smart contracts and blockchain technology more transparent, accessible, and increase precision.

The symbolic AI is more economical than machine language (ML) as it does not rely on data pools and server centres.  This is the type of AI needed for smart contracts. It will make smart contracts more transparent. 

Once everyone is able to read the smart contract, everything will change. The use of readable smart contracts for a long tail of small commerce will propel the economy on the whole and create jobs.

How is AI Beneficial in Crypto?

The combination of AI and blockchain is giving rise to some new professions. Like the prompt engineerss who design prompts for ChatGPT. Symbolic AI, on the other hand, will improve the world of crypto.

The combination of Symbolic AI and smart contract is the rising example of how AI can make the crypto sector more transparent. This will increase productivity as it clearifies how the business is done.

The AI enabled smart contracts are readable smart contracts which are open, cost effective and seamless. It is without any coding programming language. To understand it better, it can be said that the AI in smart contract will bridge the gap between smart contract and non-technical individuals by  simply translating the coding language in simple plain English.

The Symbolic AI is the opposite of generative AI which is rather statically driven and code oriented. Symbolic AI is human readable and is closer to what we think.

Nancy J. Allen
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