Guerra, le crypto non vengono bloccate


Have you ever thought that in the 21st century you would experience a fear for the fate of Europe, that a huge drama would take place in front of the eyes of the whole world? The second week of the war in Ukraine is ongoing. Was anyone prepared for this? The answer is obvious, but as soon as possible you should find yourself in this nightmare that is happening so close to us, in a reality that will never be the same as it used to be.

Crypto payment in war

From the very beginning, Euronin was to serve people to make their lives easier. The main goal and assumption are quick and uncomplicated cryptocurrency payments, also for everyday expenses, such as a bill at a restaurant, a taxi ride or refueling at a gas station. The current situation in Ukraine shows how much the world and people need such a solution and how much security Euronin can provide to its users. While banks are imposing blockades and the problems with withdrawing cash from ATMs are huge, Euronin guarantees peace of mind. War affects all prices and the possibility of money being traded and paid out physically.

The role of Euronin

Euronin gives its users the opportunity to use their money always, in every corner of Europe, regardless of the political situation or, in this case, war. Using the system, we pay in cryptocurrency to the seller and he receives the funds by immediate bank transfer, so even in crisis situations, the entire transaction takes place without cash, i.e. the recipient’s bank is satisfied because there is no situation where the money has to leave him and the buyer because he paid the crypto and got the product.

The current situation most affects ordinary people who have become victims overnight, lost their life and financial stability. We believe, and in fact we know, that Euronin is able to help them, and the solutions it proposes are necessary in further, everyday life.

Hearing on the Polish-Ukrainian border the words “we do not have access to money, we only have crypto”, one can understand how great the need is to pay for everyday life with the help of unblocked assets. Euronin is a developing company, its research on the project and the market shows a great need to implement the solution as soon as possible. at the moment it is available on the HOO platform as a token to raise funds for further development.

*This article has been paid. The Cryptonomist didn’t write the article nor has tested the platform.
