Fortnite, GTA6 might create a functional metaverse before any crypto nerds

Web3 geeks keep ranting about the metaverse, so it’s ironic that Web2 games might be the first to bring us functional versions of it in 2024 and 2025.

Disruptive innovation commonly undergoes a pattern of gradual evolution. It develops and matures on established foundations. Things don’t simply happen spontaneously. That has been clearly visible in the shift from Web2 to Web3, particularly when it comes to the metaverse.

The metaverse didn’t emerge out of nothing. Rather, it is has been evolving for years, derived primarily from Web2 video games — which presently offer environments that come much closer to the concept of the metaverse than any Web3 projects.

This lag by Web3 is a natural part of the technological evolutionary cycle, which is always gradual and depends on two factors: technological evolution and perceptions of value.

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