First Ever Tweet NFT on Sale for $48 million on Opensea –

Earlier today, Sina Estavi announced his offer for a digital copy of Jack Dorsey’s first tweet at about $48million on Opensea. This sale will make the seller 16 times the money they originally paid for the tweet. Mr. Estavi will give some of the proceeds to charities. 

Jack Dorsey Tweet Up For Sale

Reports on Thursday 7th indicate that Jack Dorsey’s original digital tweet is up for sale on the OpenSea marketplace. These reports come from Sina Estavi, the current owner of the digital tweet NFT. Mr. Estavi is the CEO of Bridge Oracle, a Malaysian Blockchain service network.

Since April 1st, Mr. Estavi has shown signs of the intended sale of this digital tweet. For instance, on 1st, Mr. Estavi started a poll on Twitter, asking for people’s opinions on the value of that NFT. His tweet read,

“In your opinion; What is the value of the world’s first-ever tweet #NFT ?”

His poll collected 428 votes, with 43% of people saying the tweet could be worth more than $30 million.

Later, Mr. Estavi pointed out on April 4rth that someone had offered around $10 million for the NFT. He even likened the NFT to the value of digital Monalisa. Later, Mr. Estavi noted that he listed the asset on Opensea.

According to reports, Mr. Estavi will sell this NFT for about $48 million(R705 million) on Opensea. Reports also show that Mr. Estavi purchased this NFT for just about $2.9 million, and this sale will make 16 times what he paid for the NFT.

Giving 50% to Charities

After announcing his offer of the “just setting up my twttr” NFT, Mr. Estavi also highlighted some of his plans with the proceeds he will get. In one of his most recent reports, Mr. Estavi said that

“I decided to sell this NFT ( the world’s first ever tweet ) and donate 50% of the proceeds ( $25 million or more ) to the charity @GiveDirectly.”  

Mr. Estavi plans to donate some amount of the income to a charity called Give directly. Give Directly is a charity platform allowing people to send donations directly to people living in poverty. Donating $25 million to the charity will go a long way to helping the poor.

Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, suggested that Mr. Estiva donates 99% of the profit to the charity. While Mr. Estiva has other blockchain-related plans for some of the funds, he said he is open to donating even the complete 100% of proceeds to the charity suggested.

The idea of charitable giving has increased in popularity over the recent month in the crypto space. As the Russia Ukraine war continues, NFTs and cryptos have been used in charity collections.

Elon Musk Twitter Purchase will be Good for NFTs

A few days ago, Elon Musk, the wealthiest person globally, purchased a 9% stake in Twitter. Jack Dorsey welcomed the idea of having Musk as an investor. Many crypto enthusiasts were impressed by Musk’s purchase, with the belief that Twitter could start exploring more blockchain opportunities. The sale of the first tweet as an NFT by Mr. Estavi could give Twitter ideas of what to do with blockchain.
