DOGE, SHIB, and why AI Crypto is replacing meme coins during the next bull run

DOGE, SHIB, and why AI Crypto is replacing meme coins during the next bull run




The market is now engaging in a fascinating reversal. There are indications that the recent stretch of frigid, gloomy conditions that many have endured may be beginning to thaw. Is Dogecoin dead? Will Shiba Inu go up? Are there any greater opportunities that are perhaps not as well-known, like Avorak? Continue reading to learn more.

Is Dogecoin dead? 

The first of its kind and well-known online meme-coin, DOGE, was initially made as a joke. Nobody anticipated DOGE to perform well or generate a yield, yet early holders have seen tremendous returns from this unusual cryptocurrency. Elon Musk, a steadfast supporter with access to the huge and powerful social media site Twitter, continuously promotes Dogecoin. This is the issue since Dogecoin is no longer a well-kept secret. The buyers of today are a bit late to the game. Is Dogecoin dead? Potentially. Intelligent adherents will pay attention to recent reports that Musk is being sued for promoting Dogecoin and is being accused of racketeering. If this case turns against Elon Musk, this could spell an end to the ‘Dogecoin hype’ and answer the question once and for all, is Dogecoin dead?

Will Shiba Inu go up?

The community of Shiba Inu is one of the primary causes of price hikes. A sizable and engaged audience has promoted SHIB on social media. The “Shib Army” has also participated in various charitable endeavours, which has aided in the coin’s rise to notoriety. The expansion of the NFT market is another element that can impact Shiba Inu prices. Shiba Inu has introduced its own NFT platform, which may attract more users and boost demand for SHIB.




The proprietary blockchain, Shibarium, is also now in the testnet stage; however, this has not generated the expected positivity in the SHIB camp. Overall, despite the attempts at ‘building,’ these new products do not constitute any real innovation or new systems to an already crowded crypto market. Will Shiba Inu go up? Unlikely. At least not anywhere near as much as other newer innovations.

Avorak, as an AI-powered cryptocurrency project, provides wise opportunities

According to past triumphs of crypto-overnight tycoons, the greatest way to make money is to infuse early in a trend that takes off. The trend that is most excitingly on the rise is AI (Artificial Intelligence). If you missed the DOGE and SHIB pumps during the previous bull market, do not worry.

Analysts predict the next big thing will be initiatives like Avorak. Avorak promises a range of AI features that follow user instructions using cutting-edge algorithmic technology. By providing indications and using Avorak Trade Bot to identify openings and opportunities, Avorak Trade takes the laborious effort out of examining charts and trends, enabling even the most inexperienced beginners to make a real yield trading. Avorak Create, which uses user input to generate text and graphics, and Avorak Chat, a dynamic and user-friendly chat system, are additional features.

Want to learn more about Avorak AI?


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