DOGE Coin Soars 7% as Investors Eye 1,121% Returns in New Dog-Themed ICO

  • The original meme coin, Dogecoin ($DOGE), has seen a 7% increase in the last 24 hours, making it one of the fastest recovering cryptocurrencies following a brief market crash this week.
  • Simultaneously, a new dog-themed Initial Coin Offering (ICO), WienerAI ($WAI), has attracted significant attention from investors, promising returns of up to 1,121%.
  • As Dogecoin and other meme coins continue to make waves in the crypto market, the question arises: Is it the season for dog-themed meme coins?

As Dogecoin rallies, crypto investors venture into a new dog-themed ICO, WienerAI, in hopes of high returns. This article explores the recent developments in the meme coin market.

Dogecoin’s Recovery and the Rise of WienerAI

Dogecoin, the world’s first Shiba Inu meme-inspired cryptocurrency, has seen a 7% increase in its value in the last 24 hours, despite being 12% down from its value last week. This recovery makes it one of the fastest recovering cryptocurrencies following a brief market crash. Simultaneously, a new dog-themed ICO, WienerAI, has attracted significant attention from investors. WienerAI is a digital companion that offers user-friendly AI-enhanced trading advice, seamless swap functionality, and zero fees. It has been touted as a “Revolutionary AI Trading partner” and has the potential to deliver returns of up to 1,121%.

The Potential of WienerAI

WienerAI’s whitepaper mentions “The Sausage Army”, an endearing term for its potential followers, hinting at a strong social component. Furthermore, WienerAI utilizes a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which is over 99% more energy efficient than Bitcoin and Dogecoin’s Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism. The WienerAI smart contract has been audited by Coinsult, a blockchain security platform, and 20% of $WAI’s supply is for staking. Buyers are encouraged to stake during the presale to take advantage of the lucrative 1121% APY currently on offer.


As Dogecoin continues to recover and new meme coins like WienerAI enter the market, it’s clear that the meme coin trend is far from over. However, investors should approach these investments with caution, as the crypto market is known for its volatility and high-risk nature.

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