Crypto Enthusiasts Consider InQubeta (QUBE) a Great Investment, while Interest in Hedera & MultiversX Decreases

In an ever-changing crypto world, trends come and go quickly. Popular cryptos like Hedera (HBAR) and MultiversX (EGLD) that attracted attention in the past are not even in the discussion today. This is what makes the crypto market full of fresh opportunities for investors. Recently, a promising new project, InQubeta, has caught the attention of crypto enthusiasts in the presale phase. As we draw closer to the next probable bull market, it might emerge as one of the winners. 

What problem is InQubeta solving?

Artificial Intelligence is a constantly evolving and fascinating field with limitless potential for growth and development. AI startups are spearheading this movement, bringing innovations in areas such as robotics and machine learning. However, investing in these startups can be precarious, especially for those without the relevant resources or networks. This is where InQubeta changes the game.

As the first-ever crypto crowdfunding model, InQubeta allows fractional investment in AI startups using the QUBE token. It is a deflationary ERC20 token that has been specifically created by InQubeta to transform the way AI startups raise funds and interact with their community. The platform offers investors the ability to invest in AI startups that are minted into an NFT and fractionalized, enabling them to invest in a way that fits their budget and secures early-backer benefits.

QUBE tokens provide a unique investment opportunity to supporters who are passionate about the growth and success of AI technology startups. The token has a 2% tax on all buys and sells, which is sent to a burn wallet, thereby boosting the token’s value over time. Additionally, the token has a 5% sell tax that goes to a dedicated reward pool, allowing investors to earn rewards by staking their tokens.

InQubeta is leveraging blockchain and smart contracts to create a transparent, secure, and democratic investment ecosystem that empowers growth and success. Overall, InQubeta and QUBE tokens are the perfect solution for anyone looking to invest in AI startups in an efficient, accessible, and rewarding way.

Visit InQubeta Presale 

Declining Interest in Hedera (HBAR) and MultiversX (EGLD)

Hedera Hashgraph, a robust decentralized platform for dApps, gained massive popularity in the last bull run. However, the poor tokenomics of its native asset HBAR has led to a sharp decline in interest. It is currently trading at one-tenth of its launch price, and things are not looking great owing to a fundamental flaw in the team’s strategy. The success or failure of Hedera Hashgraph, and the value of its token HBAR, will be determined by the actions of the Hedera team and its governing council. If they can successfully distribute the remaining tokens and build a robust network, HBAR’s price may recover. However, if they fail, potential investors will move on to better opportunities like $QUBE.

On the other hand, MultiversX (EGLD) portrays a similar story with a continuous decline in community engagement and token value. Tough market conditions may be one of the reasons, but a change in investor sentiment also plays a huge role in diverting attention.

Closing Thoughts

Crypto investments are highly speculative and subject to volatility. Community plays a massive role in driving the value of a token, but ongoing trends can also have a significant impact. AI has been generating a lot of buzz recently, and InQubeta is the perfect platform to bridge the gap between AI and crypto. The amount of attention it has received in the first presale phase is a testament to what it can achieve in a bull market, given the hype around AI.

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