Cointelegraph Research Terminal launches, home to critical crypto data reports

Cointelegraph — one of the oldest crypto media companies, founded in 2013 — has launched the Cointelegraph Research Terminal. The Research Terminal will be a convenient one-stop location to find past industry analysis, premium research reports and access to exclusive databases. The website is live, and subscriptions to the premium features are active.

Cointelegraph Research has produced some of the best in-depth analyses on the blockchain and crypto industry, hitting on trends before they land in the mainstream. One of the Cointelegraph Research Terminal’s most recent public reports is on game finance, asking: “GameFi: Can blockchain-based gaming redefine the industry?”

Being ahead of the curve in the dynamically evolving crypto space can be tough, but Cointelegraph Research has found a solution to help alleviate this problem: the Cointelegraph Research Terminal.

The Research Terminal 

Cointelegraph aims to unite the hard-won experience of cryptocurrency expertise with talent from across the fields of finance, economics and technology to bring to the market the premier source for industry reports and insightful analysis. The Cointelegraph Research Terminal will be a one-stop-shop that will begin by focusing on three major areas but has plans for more as time goes on.

The three areas of initial focus will be to provide collections of previous research reports, access to current premium reports, and permissions to databases with up-to-date information on all areas of the crypto space.

Public reports

Cointelegraph Research has been producing reports since 2020 on a myriad of topics that can provide insights for the discerning investor. The Research Terminal will make all of these previously created reports available to subscribers.

Reports such as “Security Token Report,” “Polkadot: The Bedrock of the New Web,” “Does the Future of Decentralized Finance Still Belong to Ethereum?” and “Nonfungible Tokens: A New Frontier” are just a few examples of the variety of subjects that will be available in the Cointelegraph Research Terminal. The overwhelming feedback from clients was that they wanted even more, which was part of the impetus to create the new services found in the Cointelegraph Research Terminal, such as premium reports.