Coinbase CEO Notes Singapore Crypto Outlook While Facing US SEC Case

Coinbase News: The major cryptocurrency linked firms are facing a hard and uncertain time in the United States over unclear regulations to operate in the market. This has led several businesses to begin looking for better opportunities outside the country.

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Coinbase CEO On Economic Freedom In U.S

Amid facing legal challenges from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase pointed out falling economic conditions in the country. He stated that economic freedom is still a crucial measure to check out any country’s potential growth. However, Coinbase’s major mission is to grow economic liberty.

Armstrong praised Singapore and mentioned that it stands at the top of the 2023 ranking. He highlighted that the country has done an incredible job on the majority of the dimensions included. However, there is still one area left where Singapore can do better, he added.

According to a report, the United States is on a major decline in economic freedom ranking in 2023. It now stands at the 25th spot. It added that the biggest reason behind its fall is Congress spending.

Coinbase CEO stated that Singapore took a step back on providing a permit for retail crypto trading. He marked that this approach is short sighted and anti freedom. However, this section of crypto will be an area to look out for the regulatory agency. Read More Coinbase News Here…

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The US’s biggest crypto exchange has been charged with operating as an unregistered national securities exchange. The SEC also charged Coinbase for not registering the offer and sale of its crypto asset staking program. However, the crypto exchange filed a lawsuit against the commission for not providing clear rules for operating in the market.

Mooky Presale


Ashish believes in Decentralisation and has a keen interest in evolving Blockchain technology, Cryptocurrency ecosystem, and NFTs. He aims to create awareness around the growing Crypto industry through his writings and analysis. When he is not writing, he is playing video games, watching some thriller movie, or is out for some outdoor sports. Reach me at [email protected]

The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.
