‘COIN’ Is Available Free for Amazon Prime Subscribers: Coinbase CEO

  • Brian Armstrong announced that the documentary “COIN” will be available free to Amazon Prime subscribers.
  • “COIN” will provide an exclusive insight into Coinbase’s foundation.
  • The documentary on the crypto exchange was directed by Emmy-winner Greg Kohs.

Unveiling Coinbase’s story to the world, Brian Armstrong, co-founder and CEO of Coinbase, announced that the documentary “COIN” will be available free to Amazon Prime subscribers.

The documentary “COIN” will provide an exclusive insight into Coinbase’s foundation and its operations. The documentary highlights the timeline of Coinbase, the world’s first publicly-traded crypto exchange, from when it was just a prototype to the time it became a public company.

With the aim to inspire the world, Armstrong tweeted in December, claiming that the “COIN” documentary will be a shining beacon of hope for upcoming entrepreneurs to make a mark in the universe. 

“COIN” will be available across various streaming platforms such as Amazon, Youtube, Google Play, and many more. The documentary on the crypto exchange was directed by Emmy-winner Greg Kohs. More than 1000 hours of meetings were sent to the director by the Coinbase team. 

Addressing “COIN”, Brian Armstrong stated:

We gave Greg and his team unprecedented access inside the company, showing the crazy ups and downs of building a tech startup all the way to us becoming a public company.

Armstrong also explained that he wanted to demystify what it looks like to build a tech startup and to encourage more people to pursue entrepreneurship. After the announcement was made by Armstrong, the crypto community was excited to watch the documentary. Some crypto community members who watched the documentary praised it be “one of the best documentaries.”

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Source: https://coinedition.com/coin-is-available-free-for-amazon-prime-subscribers-coinbase-ceo/