British Army accounts hacked to promote fake crypto events 1

The British Army announced late last night that its social media accounts had been breached. During the period, the hackers were said to have promoted malicious events to scam traders and investors. According to the statement, the breach went on for no further than four hours, after which the technicals in the team were able to wrestle back control of the accounts from the hackers. Some malicious events hosted on the accounts were sales of fake NFTs and the promotion of illegal crypto events.

The hack lasted for about four hours

According to the alert yesterday, the account belonging to the defense ministry of the country said that they were aware of the breach. According to the account, they had started looking into the issue with a plan to take back control of the websites. After hours, the account released a post stating that all the issues had been resolved.

Not quite long after, the British Army official account also tweeted some words of apology and said it would look into the issues deeply. During the period of the hack, users were able to make screenshots of the British Army account promoting fake NFTs such as BAPESCLAN.

British Army says it will investigate the hack

The hackers were smart enough to post a link where users can access the platform to mint a new NFT for free. However, the link was suspected to be a phishing link where users would get their funds stolen if they followed it. During the period, one of the creators of the NFT, Tom Watson, distanced himself and the organization from the event, stating that it was fake and misleading. He also asked the public to report the account. The hackers were also using the YouTube account of the British Army to showcase a crypto page that had affiliations with Elon Musk and other crypto billionaires.

During a video of an interview that the group posted, it had a QR code plastered on the screen where users could donate crypto. It also promised to refund users double the amount of crypto they donate to some causes. However, the deeper details about how any of the activities were carried out are still unknown. As investigations intensify, the British Army has deleted all evidence of being hacked from their accounts. In a recent post across news stations, traders have lost about $1 billion to scammers in a year. The figure is presently on the rise, with platforms advising users to guard their details.
