BITMANU Disrupts The Crypto Market With The Most Profitable Crypto Miners

  • BITMANU emerges as the next big name in the crypto world after the launch of the most profitable crypto miners ever. 
  • With hash rates that were hitherto unknown, BITMANU has taken the traditional GPU miners to a next level. BITMANU has surpassed the current miners in terms of profitability. 
  • BITMANU is a manufacturing company founded, managed, and controlled by a group of investors and highly experienced crypto specialists who are committed to bringing the benefits of the latest technical breakthroughs to the general public.

Following the latest launch of the most profitable crypto miners in history, BITMANU is emerging as the next big name in the crypto market. Astounding hash powers and profitability of BITMANU’s BM1, BM2, and BM miners, are being hailed as the reason behind its great impact.

The conventional GPU miners introduced more efficient ASIC miners that provide higher hash rates, as the profitable crypto mining became extremely difficult with time. However, with hash rates that were hitherto unknown, BITMANU has taken it to a higher level. In terms of profitability, BITMANU has outperformed the present miners owing to these hash rates.

The most powerful mining hardware from BITMANU is BM Pro. Following is the overview of its hash rates and profitability: 

Coin      Hash Rate                Power Consumption    Monthly Profit

BTC        1950 TH/s                      2200 W                          $18k

LTC        200 GH/s                       2200 W                          $20k

ETH       13 GH/s                           2200 W                          $22k

XMR      16 MH/s                          2200 W                          $27k

Over the last few months, BITMANU has seen increased demand for its mining rigs. Many of the early clients of the firm were able to recover their investment and within a month’s time started making profits.

Since the miners are simple to use and anyone from beginners to experts can use it, BITMANU has created a quiver in the market. An easy to use interface, plug-and-play units that are pre-loaded with Linux based systems with BITMANU software are its key aspects. 

Another amazing feature is that it just needs a minimum speed of 10 KB/s for optimum mining performance and also doesn’t require users to upgrade their internet connection.

In addition, BITMANU also takes the responsibility of the delivery and custom fees for all its customers. Besides, it gives users a product warranty that covers all types of software or hardware issues.

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A manufacturing company, BITMANU is created, managed and owned by a group of investors and highly experienced crypto experts that are firm to bring out the advantages of the latest technological innovations in front of the people. The firm provides a variety of crypto miners. These give superfast return on investment. The biggest advantage of it is that it can be used by anyone and it doesn’t matter whether they have enough experience or not. 

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