B20 Summit 2023 PM Modi asks for global crypto framework

The Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, addressed the crypto talk at the B20 summit recently.

The PM talked to business leaders, asking for new ideas surrounding AI and crypto. Moreover, PM Modi stated that an integrated approach is needed to address issues related to crypto.

Organized by CII, the event saw PM Modi addressing the summit. The Prime Minister also asked to observe International Consumer Care Day every year. At the same time, he asked users to switch to green credit instead of carbon credit trading.

During the speech, PM Modi mentioned how India is becoming the face of the digital revolution during the Industry 4.0 era. The nation now holds a crucial place in developing a trusted and efficient worldwide supply chain.

According to the Prime Minister, cryptocurrencies have several associated challenges. That is why the matter requires a maximum integrated approach. There is a need for a global framework that can cover the interests of every stakeholder.

The PM did not stop there as he went on to cover the topic of AI (Artificial Intelligence) as well. According to PM Modi, a stronger pitch for focus surrounding consumer care is here. Global businesses must observe International Consumer Care Day every year, added the PM.

Now that businesses have successfully crossed boundaries and borders, it is time for businesses to do more than what is necessary. It can only be achieved by focusing on sustainability and supply chain resilience.

With the G20 summit set to take place in Delhi on September 9 and 10, all eyes are on India and PM Modi. The Prime Minister’s attempts to establish a global framework might change the crypto industry forever. 

Source: https://www.cryptonewsz.com/b20-summit-2023-pm-modi-asks-for-global-crypto-framework/