Authtrail (AUT) Releases Details of its Exclusive Community Round –

Authtrail (AUT) has announced that its invitation-only community round will be held on April 12 and 14, 2022 and a total of 30,000,000 AUT tokens have been set aside for the event. The whitelisting process is ongoing and members of the Authtrail community who will participate in the Authtrail Community round will receive AUT tokens at a fixed price of 0.2 USD/AUT.

The Authtrail Invitation-only Community Round 

Authtrail (AUT), a market-ready, fast, and simple data integrity platform powered by Polkadot’s smart contracts platform, Moonbeam, is set to launch its token generation event (TGE), starting with a two-phased invitation-only round on April 12 and 14, 2022.

Per a blog post by the Authtrail team, during Phase One of the community-only round (April 12, 2022, at 3 PM CET), the first 1,000 whitelisted community members will be able to make their contributions and once the first 1k unique transactions are completed, Phase One will come to an end. The minimum and maximum contribution amount per participant is pegged at $1,000 and $5,000 respectively.

Phase Two of the round will go live on April 14, 2022, at 3 PM CET and during the event, all whitelisted participants will be able to contribute, including those that contributed during the first phase. Participants can only contribute a maximum of 50,000 USD and once the hard cap of $6 million is hit, the round will officially come to an end.

Community Round Timeline

The team has made it clear that the event will only be conducted on the Authtrail Community round platform and whitelisted contributors will:

  • Receive a direct link to the platform through official email communication exactly one week before the event (April 5, 2022) and contributors will have to complete the onboarding process to the Authtrail Community round platform within one week  (April – 12, 2022). 
  • To successfully onboard, participants will be required to sign in to the Authtrail Community round platform via the link they received previously and connect their MetaMask wallet with their whitelisted email address. Contributors will then perform a KYC process to verify their identity.
  • After the successful onboarding, participants will have access to the contribution page. Here, they will see their allotted time slot and once it opens, they will be able to start the contribution process and must complete the transaction within 60 minutes.
  • Participants are required to have a minimum of $1,000 worth of USDC or USDT tokens in their MetaMask wallet, plus enough ETH to cover gas fees when contributing.
  • Only desktop or laptop computers can be used during the round
  • Once the event ends, details of the transactions will be visible on Etherscan (from April 14, 2022, on).
  • The team says the lock-up period for AUT tokens starts after the Authtrail TGE which will be announced later. AUT tokens will be vested for 12 months, with a 3-month cliff and equal vesting in months 4 – 12.

“In the upcoming Community round, AUT tokens will be allocated to our most loyal backers as a reward for their trust in what Authtrail has been building. A fixed number of tokens will be sold at a fixed price of 0.2 USD/AUT. Later on in the Public Crowdsale, the price of the AUT token will b twice as high, at 0.4 USD/AUT, and only 10 percent of all AUT token supply will be allocated for that purpose,” explains the Authtrail team.

“The Community round is therefore an ideal opportunity for you to get a seat at the Authtrail table early, before the wider public, and join the progress of Authtrail as it grows. Contribute to widespread adoption of blockchain in the enterprise sphere,” it added.
