Around the Block With Jefferson Nunn – Interview With Daniel O’Brien of HTC Live –

Daniel O’Brien  14:17 

Yeah, no, I think you’re getting there. Pretty much already now. Like there are, you know, companies and there are brands that have already moved into that space from like a live action, whether it is in the NBA, whether it’s with Major League Baseball, or concerts. We’re working heavily with that entertainment industry in the concert industry and a lot you know, we have beats day was one of our partners out of the Asia region. We’re working with Live Nation as well. But I think going to live concerts and being able to kind of walk out of your, you know, walk out of your office, you know, and out of your virtual office and walk into your virtual concert or to that live action. Experience. The answer is going to be really compelling, right? It doesn’t mean we’re always going to be, you know, there’s still going to be the experience of going to these events and being there physically and doing those events as well. But I do think, you know, when you look at economies of scale, and the opportunities, you know, the concert venues are going to really be an interesting place to see how they can change the business model, right? Because if you think about, you know, the Super Bowl, or some of these really, really big games are at the college level, or, you know, even at the professional level, you know, how many seats can you sell, right, you know, at the 50 yard line, or the middle of the court or center court, and, you know, on the, on the field, you know, those are, those are the only seats right, that sit there that seat or you know, are the seats around and see if you know, some of the stadiums about 70,000 to 100,000, or even 35,000, you know, people that can enjoy that that firsthand experience, I mean, you could turn around and actually sell that same seat for $50 to a million other people that want to have that experience, you know, and so you don’t need to sell it for 400 500 or $3,000, for that one seat, right, you can turn around and actually sell that seat to, you know, a million people for 50 bucks, and you’re gonna make a whole lot more money from the viewing experience. So, I think, you know, when it comes to that, that next level, you know, from a business and economy standpoint, like that’s not quite there yet, but it’s moving very, very, very quickly, I think that people in the entertainment industry really do understand that, oh, wow, I can actually 10x My, my audience, you know, that’s getting the firsthand experience in here. And it can be collaborative, right. And it can be, you know, you can have been there with your friends and your family that are connected in other locations. So, I think that that’s all super, super compelling. And then the next day, you’re back at work, I mean, he had HTC, we use vive sync for our internal meetings, and I meet regularly with people from Europe, as well as in Asia, and then I’m in the US. And, you know, we are in the same conference room. And we’ve recorded that conference room. And it’s a highly effective room, because I didn’t have any distractions while I was in that meeting, right. So I’m bouncing around a little bit, but you can see where things just move very quickly from like, a really, really in depth, immersive and functional, and efficient meeting at work to having an amazing entertainment experience and being able to go to some of the greatest soccer stadiums in the world and see some of the greatest athletes play, you know, in the world against each other, and you’re going to be able to increase the volume of people that actually go and have that experience significantly.
