Armanino: Providing Top-Notch Crypto Solutions Since 2014

What Is Armanino?

Armanino is a consulting, technology, and accounting organization, which also provides digital assets and crypto solutions. Armanino offers a deep understanding, a range of facilities, and a disciplined, constant, and responsive team.

Armanino is not just a counseling and accounting organization, it delivers a profundity, prowess, and value to customers throughout a multitude of conventional and unconventional facilities.

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It is a cluster of technologies customized to meet the requirements of established and growing open and private organizations. It has attained a higher degree of expertise via working with several customers in a multitude of sectors.

It aims to help out several business functions involving marketing, Human Resources, sales, finance, and many more.

Organization’s personal accounting team is aware of private wealth management rather than just transfer, accumulation, and safety of wealth.

TrustExplorer: Armanino’s Digital Assets and Crypto Solutions

Armanino is also the worldwide leader in virtual asset solutions offering best-in-class, innovative facilities and products for the sector since 2014.

Armanino’s industry-concentrated practice serves virtual assets, financial service organizations, stakers and miners, token projects, funds, and “crypto-curious” organizations through various means to deliver distinct requirements of the sector.

TrustExplorer’s product suit intensifies transparency and trust of virtual asset facility providers, asset-backed token issuers, and more. It allows users to reconcile on-chain data, like the supply of token or address balances, to off-chain dada, like fiat reserves or user accounts on platform concurrently.

Folks can leverage Armanino’s accounting prowess to fulfill global and local regulatory essentials. It aims to escalate folks’ confidence by providing services of their CPA team for inspection of mechanisms.

Armanino’s Trust Explorer has a distinct suite of products, which includes Trusted Node, Real-TIme Attest, Oracle Services, Treasury, Proof of Reserves.

Proof Of Reserves

It is an initial assurance and audit platform on Trust Explorer, allowing folks to cryptographically validate their virtual assets.

The Virtual asset sector does not have sufficient standards to ensure virtual asset providers hold required assets to cover clients’ deposits. Trust gaps result in reduced adoption rates and escalated counterparty risks.

TrustExplorer is an objective third party, instilling confidence providers have enough virtual assets to meet folks’ liabilities and allows verification that account data was involved in review.

Proof of Reserve is perfect for custodial virtual asset facility providers to offer escalated transparency. Platform users can intensify their confidence and reputation with a present and perspective user base. 

Armanino is the initial accounting organization to finalize and formalize Proof of Reserve virtual asset exchange.

Real-Time Attest

Transparency and trust are the way to escalate adoption of virtual assets, asset-supported tokens, as well as crypto-collateralized tools.

Armanino’s TrustExplorer is an objective 3rd party, offering crystal clear off-chain data to several user groups.

TrustExplorer is the globe’s initial application to offer open accounting reports in real-time.

As per Matt Armanino, this evolution will offer increased trust and precision to ecosystems attestation reporting windows are lowered from a complete month to a half minute.

Armanino is developing a perfect use case for real-time auditing.

Trusted Node

Armanino’s Trusted Node facility reduces the bulk load of hosting an entire, archival or mirror nodes, and escalates accessibility to vital wallet balance and transactional data.

Armanino’s objective is to decrease the load on dispersed ledger ecosystem part takers. Thus the folks who rely upon the dependable data from these blockchains will have accessibility to pertinent and dependable DLT data.

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Blockchain have power to make data crystal clear and more dependable; however, for part takers of the ecosystem and the auditors extricating and interacting with on-chain data highlights apparent inefficiencies.

Oracle Services

TrustExplorers Oracle Services are interface for the upcoming generation of internet.

It is expanding the consensus algorithm. Smart Contracts and Blockchains that function on them, require safe, dependable, and validatable means to gain accessibility to tangible world data.

Oracle networks solely aren’t able to bridge the gaps. TrustExplorer’s Oracle Services, present off-chain data from a dependable and known source to a network of blockchain, inducing trust in a decentralized ecosystem.

Reliable Oracle can fuel security tokens and decentralized applications, make use of off-chain data testing and aggregation and establish confidence in the on-chain data.


Token issuers utilizes a dashboard to display token ownership and dispersion, build up confidence in platform, protocol, or entire governance.

Treasury offers all the part takers to the point information on token dispersion in an easily absorbable format. Dependable insight into treasury management of token issuer escalates growth in token utility, extends user base, and develops trust in the industry. The transparency is the norm setter, empowering token holders and developing trust in token issuer.

The value of Token Dispersion’s transparency is that the sector’s top-notch accountants offer transparency and trace address operations token balances of particular token holders throughout the time.

Armanino’s Accounting Services For Digital Assets

Armanino offer folks to fulfill all conventional accounting requirements while leveraging the industry expertise. Since 2014, the organization had served custodians, exchanges virtual asset financial service organizations, stakers and miners, stablecoins and asset-backed token issuers, wallets and ATMs, token projects and protocol, virtual asset investment funds, and more.

Armanini’s audit facility includes, IT audits, stablecoin attestations, Proof of Reserves audits, Financial Statement audits, and more.

Armanino’s consulting services involves transformation and strategy consultation, human resources, payroll, and outsourced accounting, token valuation facilities and token treasury management solutions, ERP, and crypto accounting sub-ledger systems.

Its Taxation services includes, corporate and individual tax reporting and planning, State and Local Tax (SALT), etc.

Its risk assurance services includes, privacy and cybersecurity facilities, internal audit and ERM, policies and procedures preparations, design, and review. It also provides CCSS, which is considered as a gold standard for safeguarding digital asset custody systems. Folks can recognize gaps and be audited against best in class structure, then show the outcomes to users.

Why Is Armanino Important?

With its major focus on transparency, it offers a wide range of solutions for crypto-based organizations. Its TrustExplorer is their proprietary tech suite, customized for intensifying trust for virtual asset custodians, asset-supported tokens, and many more.

Apart from that, it also offers accounting facilities like counseling audit and tax with its industry-focused slant.
