Is SolScan the Most Preferred Blockchain Explorer for Solana?

SolScan is a blockchain explorer built for easy usability and trackability of transactions on the Solana blockchain, with various advantages.

SolScan is a blockchain explorer used to search for various information on the Solana blockchain. In general, it is a popular alternative to the official Solana Explorer. The main differentiator of SolScan is that it turns complex transactional data into easily readable content. 

The block explorer provides access to all the information that is recorded on-chain. The recorded information includes crypto transactions, addresses, smart contracts, blocks, tokens, and more. Solana Explorer is free to use and does not require an account. However, it is advisable to create an account and log in for better functionality.

Why is SolScan preferred over alternatives?

It is essential for everyone who is transacting with a network to use a blockchain explorer. If a user is unsure of the location of staked funds or a transaction is pending, SolScan can be used to determine the required status. 

Solana blockchain directly delivers all the information to SolScan, so the accuracy of the information is confirmed. The use of SolScan or any other blockchain explorer is capable of helping users understand the mechanisms of the dApps that a user interacts with and the transactions that a user executes.

The format of SolScan is the same as that of EtherScan, which makes it easier to understand. A bunch of the users prefer its layout to Solana’s official explorer. It is preferred for its various advantages, which are as follows:

  • Available free of charge to use
  • It contains several useful tools, lists, and analytical graphs.
  • It also contains a set of public APIs that can leverage real-time data from SolScan into custom, third-party applications and tools.

How can a user use SolScan?

The use of SolScan is straightforward. The steps to operate are as follows:

Step1: Open the SolScan Website

The very first step is to visit the SolScan website. The website is easy to surf and navigate, and it provides a range of features that are accessible from the homepage. 

Source: SolScan website

Step 2: Search for An Account

After reaching the SolScan homepage, a user needs to search for an account using the search bar placed at the top of the page. A user needs to enter the account address and hit enter. The search bar is shown in the picture below. 

Step 3: Viewing Account Details 

Once the user enters the account address, it will navigate to the account details page. Information like account balance and transaction history is visible on the page. Users can hit enter on the specific information to view it in detail.


Step 4: Analyzing Portfolio

SolScan allows users to analyze portfolios by providing a detailed view of the holdings. A user can view the account’s total balance as well as the balance of each token in the portfolio. 


Step 5: Monitoring the Market

SolScan allows users to monitor the market by providing real-time updates on token prices, trading volumes, and other relevant market data. Users can view this information on SOL supply, current Epoch, and total staked Solana.

Step 6: Monitor Validator Performance

Moreover, SolScan allows users to monitor validator performance by providing real-time updates on validator uptime, stake, and other key metrics.

Alternatives to SolScan

SolScan is a widely used tool among Solana blockchain users. Several other blockchain explorers can be suitable for a user profile. For example, there is an official alternative, Solana Blockchain Explorer. SolScan is an alternative to it, but it is not the only alternative available.

Apart from SolScan, the other available alternatives include tools like SolanaScan and Blockchain, which are also blockchain explorers that operate on the Solana blockchain. If a user uses EtherScan for the Ethereum blockchain, it is easier to transit to SolScan for the Solana blockchain.

Conclusion: Who should use SolScan?

The Solana community can use SolScan to access all the important information. When a user has problems with or questions about transactions, it is straightforward and convenient to consult SolScan. 

For instance, when a user is certain about a transaction, the information from SolScan can be helpful. Moreover, when it comes to large amounts, it would be a pleasure to know what is going on with a transaction. 

Sometimes, it takes time for cryptos to reach user wallets, or it appears that the transaction is yet to be completed. If a user wants to avoid these problems, they can first send a small amount to test if everything goes well with the transaction. 

It does not give a 100% guarantee, but it is a way to avoid mistakes.


Where are the transactions on Solana recorded?

All the Solana transactions are recorded on the Solana mainnet with a signature.

What is Solana?

Solana is a public blockchain with smart contract capabilities. 

What are the objectives of Solana?

Solana is built to create a highly scalable blockchain without sacrificing decentralization and security.
