How Is Decentralized Data Sharing Better than the Traditional Content Sharing? – Cryptopolitan

In recent years, the rise of blockchain technology has brought a lot of new ideas to the forefront of the tech industry. One such innovation is the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a distributed file system that aims to provide access to the internet through decentralized data sharing. With the increasing need for decentralized and secure data sharing, many experts are now touting IPFS as a potential alternative to the traditional Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). In this article, we’ll explore what IPFS is, how it works, and whether it has the potential to replace HTTP as the dominant protocol for content sharing on the web.

What is HTTP?

HTTP, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is the primary protocol used for transferring data over Web2. It is a request-response protocol, which means that a client (such as a web browser) sends a request to a server, and the server responds with a message containing the requested data. The data exchanged over HTTP typically consists of text, images, videos, and other types of media.

When a client makes a request to a server, the request is typically made using a URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, which specifies the location of the resource that the client is requesting. The server responds to the request by sending back a message containing the requested resource, which is usually a HTML document that the browser can render to display the content to the user.

HTTP is built on top of the TCP/IP protocol stack, which is a set of protocols used for communication over the Internet. It operates at the application layer, which is the highest layer in the protocol stack. This allows it to interact with other protocols in the lower layers, such as TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and IP (Internet Protocol), to ensure reliable and efficient data transfer.

While HTTP has been the standard protocol for data exchange on the Web for many years, it has some limitations. One of the main limitations is that it relies on a client-server architecture, which can lead to issues with scalability and reliability. Additionally, HTTP is not well-suited for distributing large files or handling large volumes of data.

What is IPFS?

IPFS is a decentralized modular protocol designed to revolutionize the way data is organized and shared on the internet. It is a modular suite of protocols built with content addressing and peer-to-peer networking in mind. IPFS has multiple implementations since it is an open-source project. Its main use case is to publish data such as files, directories, and websites in a decentralized manner, and it has many potential applications in the field of distributed systems.

Launched by Protocol Labs, IPFS allows any computer worldwide to download its software and start hosting and serving files. Once a file is uploaded to the IPFS network, it can be viewed and downloaded by anyone else running IPFS. However, it is important to note that IPFS is not a storage or cloud service provider, even though it can be deployed on cloud infrastructure. Instead, it is a protocol that facilitates the storage and distribution of data in a decentralized manner.

How does IPFS work?

IPFS comprises several subsystems responsible for representing, routing, and transferring data. While these are the key responsibilities, IPFS functionality extends beyond these three. IPFS addresses data by its contents, a concept referred to as content addressing, rather than location addressing such as an IP address.

Data in IPFS is represented as content-addressed blocks, and the system operates on these data blocks using subsystems such as Content Identifier (CID), InterPlanetary Linked Data (IPLD), and Content Addressable aRchive (CAR) files. These subsystems are responsible for addressing and representing data on IPFS, and they ensure the efficient routing and transferring of data between nodes. The CID subsystem provides unique identifiers for each block of data, while IPLD ensures the interoperability of data across different systems, and the CAR files subsystem is responsible for creating portable archives of data for easy transfer.

Difference between IPFS and Filecoin

Protocol Labs has developed two complementary protocols, IPFS and Filecoin. IPFS is designed to allow peers to store, transfer and request verifiable data, while Filecoin provides a persistent data storage system with an incentive layer. Users pay to store their files on storage providers’ systems and providers are rewarded for continuously storing data and cryptographically proving it. These two protocols can be used separately or together and may have applications in blockchain development, crypto mining, and NFT ownership, among other areas.

Filecoin uses its own cryptocurrency and digital payment system to ensure that files are stored reliably over time. Users pay for storage and storage providers can be anyone who is willing to store files and prove they have stored them correctly over time. The Filecoin protocol uses a blockchain and its own cryptocurrency to incentivize storage providers. IPFS, on the other hand, allows for content addressing and movement, while Filecoin provides an incentive layer for data persistence. While both protocols were developed by Protocol Labs and are complementary, they are also separable, and IPFS already supports more self-organized or altruistic forms of data persistence through tools like IPFS Cluster.

How IPFS is Different from HTTP

Content addressing

HTTP uses URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) to address content. URLs point to the location of the content on the internet, which means that if the content is moved or deleted, the URL becomes invalid. IPFS uses content-based addressing, which means that content is addressed based on its content hash, rather than its location. This makes IPFS content immutable and permanent, even if the original node that shared it goes offline..

Centralization vs Decentralization

HTTP relies on a centralized server-client architecture where content is stored on a central server and clients request data from that server. This makes HTTP vulnerable to single point of failure and censorship. IPFS, on the other hand, is a decentralized protocol that allows for peer-to-peer communication and storage. IPFS nodes share and serve content with each other, making it resistant to censorship and failure.


HTTP’s caching mechanism is based on the assumption that the content requested will remain the same for a certain period of time. This assumption can lead to outdated content being served to users. On the other hand, IPFS uses a distributed hash table to store content, which means that frequently accessed content is stored in multiple locations, reducing the risk of outdated content being served.


HTTP requires the entire content to be transferred for each request, even if the content has not changed since the last request. This can result in a waste of bandwidth. IPFS, on the other hand, uses a content-addressed system, where each piece of content is assigned a unique hash. When a request is made for a piece of content, only that specific content is transferred, reducing the bandwidth required.


HTTP does not provide any inherent security measures, making it vulnerable to attacks such as man-in-the-middle attacks, where the content can be tampered with during transmission. IPFS, however, uses cryptography to secure content and each piece of content is verified using its unique hash, ensuring authenticity. Additionally, IPFS content is stored on a decentralized network, making it more difficult for attackers to manipulate the content.

Data Transfer

HTTP transfers data from a centralized server to a client. This can result in slow data transfer speeds, especially for large files, as the client has to wait for the entire file to be downloaded before it can be used. IPFS, on the other hand, transfers data in a distributed manner, meaning that the file can be downloaded from multiple nodes simultaneously, resulting in faster download speeds.

Advantages of IPFS

IPFS has several advantages over traditional HTTP and centralized systems, including its decentralized nature. With IPFS, files are not stored in one central location, but rather are distributed across a network of nodes, making it more resilient to failure and censorship. This decentralization also means that no single entity has control over the network, making it more democratic and trustworthy. 

Another advantage of IPFS is faster data transfer. Since IPFS stores files as content-addressed blocks, rather than location-based addresses, it can retrieve files faster than traditional HTTP, which relies on location-based addressing. This means that users can access files more quickly, and the network can handle more traffic with less latency. 

IPFS also has lower bandwidth requirements compared to traditional HTTP. This is because IPFS only needs to transfer changes to files, rather than entire files, making it more efficient in terms of data usage. Additionally, IPFS uses peer-to-peer networking, which reduces the need for centralized servers and lowers overall bandwidth requirements.

Finally, IPFS offers data permanence and redundancy, which means that files uploaded to the network will be stored and accessible indefinitely. IPFS achieves this through its decentralized storage system, which ensures that files are replicated across multiple nodes in the network, making it highly resilient to data loss. This also means that users can access their files even if one or more nodes in the network fail.

IPFS Use Cases

Decentralized file sharing

With IPFS, users can share files without relying on centralized servers. This means that there is no single point of failure, and files can be accessed and shared even if the original uploader goes offline. This use case is particularly useful for content that needs to be available even if the original source is no longer accessible.

Decentralized social media

Social media platforms built on IPFS can offer users more control over their data and privacy. By using IPFS, these platforms can store user data in a decentralized manner, reducing the risk of data breaches and providing greater transparency around how user data is being used.

Decentralized app development

IPFS can be used as a building block for decentralized applications (dApps). dApps built on IPFS can benefit from its decentralized architecture, as well as its content-addressed system that makes it easier to reference data in a decentralized environment.

Decentralized websites

IPFS can be used to build decentralized websites that are not reliant on traditional web servers. With IPFS, website data can be distributed across a network of peers, making it more resilient to censorship and DDoS attacks.

Challenges of IPFS

Adoption and awareness

One of the biggest challenges for IPFS is adoption and awareness. Despite its potential benefits, many people are not yet familiar with IPFS or have not yet seen a strong use case for it. This lack of awareness and adoption can slow down the development of the IPFS ecosystem.

Lack of standardization

IPFS is a relatively new technology, and there is still a lack of standardization in the space. This means that there are different implementations of the protocol, which can lead to interoperability issues and confusion for developers and users.

Technical challenges

IPFS is a complex system that relies on a number of different components, and there are still technical challenges to overcome. For example, IPFS requires a lot of storage space, which can be expensive, and there are still issues with file transfers and data replication.

Compatibility with existing infrastructure

Another challenge for IPFS is compatibility with existing infrastructure. Many existing systems and applications are not designed to work with IPFS, which can make it difficult to integrate IPFS into existing workflows and processes.

Real-world Examples of IPFS in Action

Brave Browser

Brave is a privacy-focused web browser that uses IPFS to enable users to access decentralized versions of websites. The Brave browser includes a built-in IPFS gateway, which allows users to access content hosted on the IPFS network without leaving the browser. This provides users with greater privacy and security, as their browsing data is not stored on centralized servers.


Filecoin is a decentralized storage network that uses IPFS to organize and retrieve data. Filecoin incentivizes users to store and share data by providing rewards in the form of its native cryptocurrency, FIL. The project has gained traction in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), with various protocols integrating Filecoin storage solutions to enhance their data integrity.


Arweave is a decentralized storage platform that uses IPFS to provide permanent, tamper-proof storage for data and applications. Arweave is designed to provide a long-term, low-cost alternative to traditional cloud storage platforms.


Pinata is a decentralized cloud storage platform that utilizes IPFS to store and distribute files. With Pinata, users can store their files on the IPFS network, ensuring that their data is permanently available and can be accessed from anywhere in the world.


DTube is a decentralized video platform that uses IPFS to store and distribute content. Unlike traditional video platforms, DTube does not rely on centralized servers to host and distribute videos. Instead, all content is stored and shared on the IPFS network. This provides users with greater privacy and security, as their videos are not subject to censorship or removal by centralized authorities.


IPFS has the potential to revolutionize the way we store, share, and access information on the internet. Its decentralized nature, faster data transfer, lower bandwidth requirements, and data permanence and redundancy make it a promising alternative to HTTP. Real-world examples such as Brave Browser, Filecoin, Arweave, Pinata and DTube demonstrate the practical applications of IPFS in various industries.

As we move towards a more decentralized and Web3 future, the adoption of IPFS is crucial. Although there are challenges such as adoption and awareness, lack of standardization, technical challenges, and compatibility with existing infrastructure, the potential benefits of IPFS outweigh the challenges.

It is essential for developers and businesses to explore the potential of IPFS and its possibilities for their projects. As we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what is possible, IPFS presents an exciting opportunity to build a more open, secure, and decentralized internet for everyone.
