A strategic alliance has been established between Com2uS, a South Korean game publisher, and the Oasys Blockchain project. As a result, the organization’s gaming framework for its foray into the Japanese market will experience a visible growth.
Oasys is essentially a Blockchain network designed for the gaming industry, and it has ties to SoftBank, Ubisoft, and Sega, among others. Com2uS will receive comprehensive technical support from the network’s core team members and its Blockchain affiliate, XPLA. They will establish a new layer 2 network in accordance with the regulations of the province.
As stated by Paul Kim, the Team Leader of XPLA, the partnership with Oasys will furnish XPLA with the essential impetus to enter the Japanese market, which is recognized as the third-largest gaming industry globally. Within six months of 2024, Com2uS plans to launch two Web3 games in Japan that are based on well-known intellectual properties.
With all likelihood, Com2uS will integrate its game franchises onto the Oasis network via the partnership. Such titles as The Walking Dead: All Stars and Summoners War: Chronicle will be included.
Market capitalization-wise, Com2uS asserts that it has accumulated over 605 billion Korean won ($454 million) since its inception in 1998.
Source: https://www.cryptonewsz.com/com2us-collaborates-with-oasys-blockchain-to-create-web3-games/