What are Bitcoin whales and how to spot them?

Follow Bitcoin whales’ trails: track their tactics, from manipulation to stop-loss hunting and explore their market impact for navigating crypto trading.

Bitcoin whales are people or organizations with substantial Bitcoin (BTC) holdings who are capable of influencing the market through their trading tactics.

The term “Bitcoin whale” is colloquially used to denote a holder with a significant stake compared to smaller participants, often referred to as “smaller fish” within the market. The owner of the wallet or cluster of wallets controlled by one entity may be an individual or a group that is pooling funds to make large investments.

Their vast holdings have been accumulated through mining, early investments and other methods. Whales have access to substantial Bitcoin holdings, which gives them the power to manipulate the market by making significant asset purchases or sales that result in price fluctuations. The abundance of whales and extreme volatility are frequently linked in the cryptocurrency space.

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Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/what-are-bitcoin-whales-and-how-to-spot-them