Use this trick to buy Bitcoin and ETH


Figuring out the perfect time to buy and sell your crypto is tough While there are some important things you can do to improve your timing, like researching your chosen digital assets and performing technical and fundamental analysis, no strategy is ever completely foolproof. However, in this article, you’ll learn about a well-kept secret for getting it right every time. One fantastic, but little-known crypto exchange feature can help you make a profit on every single trade, whether the market is going up or down.

Buy, Wait, Profit

ArbiSmart is an up-and-coming EU authorized cryptocurrency wallet and exchange with a completely original currency exchange reward program that has somehow stayed under the radar. 

The program offers a bunch of different discount options between 10% and 50% whenever you buy a FIAT or digital currency. As soon as you choose a currency, you’ll see the available discount percentages and the terms that have to be met for each one. These include a minimum purchase amount and a vesting period, which is a period for which your funds are held on the platform before you can withdraw them. The longer the vesting period, the bigger the discount. In some instances, you might also need to hold a certain amount of RBIS, ArbiSmart’s native token, throughout the vesting period.

For example, let’s say you decide to go for a 25% discount on €1,000 worth of Ethereum that requires a 12-month vesting period. You’ll only have to pay €750, but the full €1,000 worth of ETH will instantly be added to your account. Just keep in mind that the conditions for that discount percentage on that specific coin mean you won’t be able to withdraw the profits for a full year.

Profit Again When You Sell

The exchange’s reward program also has some great terms when it comes to selling crypto. When you sell any of the 25 different digital currencies supported by the platform (except for RBIS), you’ll actually get three times the market value in EUR. But when it comes to RBIS, you’ll receive a whopping ten times the market value, either in EUR or USDT. Of course, there are some conditions you need to meet to enjoy these rates, such as a minimum purchase amount that varies for each currency and a 24-month vesting period.

Basically, this means you’re guaranteed to make triple what the coin is currently worth. So, if the coin you chose has doubled in value since you originally bought it, by selling it at three times the current price, you’re actually making a massive six times your initial investment. 

On the other hand, if the price of the coin you’re selling has dropped by half, you’re not just stopping further losses but actually still making a profit. 

The catch is clear- you need to wait two whole years to access your profits, but for those thinking longer-term, it’s  still a pretty sweet deal. 

One of the crypto arena’s best kept secrets, ArbiSmart’s exchange reward program can ensure a profit in a bull or bear market without requiring complex market analysis to ensure you time your trades just right. Make your next crypto trade a sure thing.   Trade crypto now!

*This article was paid for. The Cryptonomist did not write the article or test the platform
